Hell I'll give them Baseball and throw in the NBA too. Then the networks
would have more time for more racing, say Aussie V8s for example. :)
Hell I'll give them Baseball and throw in the NBA too. Then the networks
would have more time for more racing, say Aussie V8s for example. :)
i agree, it's a great game
but where is my handbrake ?
It has everything; twists, straights, tunnels, snow, and clear pavement.
Also, the 300SL Gullwing has more punch than I thought it would...
BTW, I still play Mobil 1 BRC!
- TN
: One of the best moments in the game is mission #7 (I believe), that
: Golden Oldies race. A huge stage in the Alps, reminding me of the long
: courses in Mobil 1.
I can't remember the place I got it from (I'm at work), but here's another:
Just found it on a Google search; never dealt with them before.
- Tom
: > I've been playing it also for a couple of weeks and I love this game,
: > I'd classify it on the same level as NFS:PU in terms of physics and
: > pure fun.
: I have not seen this around before. Is it out in the US? And before say use
: google I'm at work and anything to do with games is blocked :(
- Tom
: > I have an MSI GF4 Ti4600 and am running it at 1024x768x32 with detail,
: > view dist, etc on full. I know the 1024x768 isn't amazing for this card
: > but graphically it's very impressive.
: I have an Athlon XP 3000+ and so does my friend. I thought the game ran
: great on my Ti4600 in 1024x768 then I saw it on the 9700 Pro - wow. In fact
: in 1600x1200 on the 9700 Pro it was marginally quicker than 1024x768 on
: mine. : (
Just read this on
Southern California based TDK Mediactive announced yesterday at its Q3
results conference call that Mercedes-Benz World Racing will be an
Xbox exclusive in the US.
TDK Mediactive Europe will be bringing Mercedes-Benz World Racing to
multiple platforms in Europe, however TDK Mediactive US has only
signed World Racing only on Xbox in North America.
This patch fixes several problems :
ATI Catalyst 3.7 Problem
Various Sound Issues
Save Controller Settings
> >I have not seen this around before. Is it out in the US? And before say
> >google I'm at work and anything to do with games is blocked :(
> >MadDAWG
> Just read this on
I found it at InteractCD
And at GoGamer
I've ordered from Interact before, they are based in CA and when speaking
with them over the phone sound like they are working out of someone's
garage, or warehouse or something, but have not had any problems with them
in the past.
I can't speak for GoGamer as I've never heard of them before.
Jay J
> :-(
> > >I have not seen this around before. Is it out in the US? And before
> use
> > >google I'm at work and anything to do with games is blocked :(
> > >MadDAWG
> > Just read this on
I can vouch for GoGamer (formerly Compuexpert). No worries there.