On Mon, 22 Jul 1996 08:18:15 +0100, John Wallace
>This is something a bit confusing about GP2.
>When you set up your frame rate as 25fps, that means that GP2 *WILL*
>show 25 frames per "simulated second". Now that means that if the screen
>gets very busy and your system can only draw 10fps, it will take 2.5s
>for every one "game second" - that's why you see the slow downs.
>Anything over 100% means the game cannot draw in real-time the frame
>rate you have requested.
>If someone says that frame rates <25fps don't give a true impression of
>speed, it's because their system can't handle the frame rate they wanted
>- so it looks slow. I've got mine setup for 20fps and it's very smooth
>with a good impression of speed.
>I'm not sure if it's a good (or easily understood!) system, but that's
>they way it works anyway.
Good explanation, John, and a _very_ important point.
If you want to play GP2 as a simulator, try and keep your graphic
options such that the occupancy rarely (and preferably never) goes
above 100%.
I have a pretty reasonable system (P133, 16MB, Matrox), but have
decided to switch _all_ detail off (except for trackside objects as I
like to have a feel for the circuit). This gives an estimate of 23.2
FPS (SVGA with all trackside objects) but I select 21.3 to keep
occupancy low.
At Monaco & similar I will reduce the amount of trackside objects to
keep the occupancy low.
I know that a lot of you will disagree with this as you prefer to have
the great graphics. Personally, I prefer the graphics to be as smooth
as possible without the eye candy. Rather like in Indycar, when I had
a 486DX33, I had all details off & waited until I could afford a
better system to have the eye candy as well as the smoothness.
BTW, if you are reading this and are thinking "$*%ing hell, P133 &
all details off, I'm not buying that, I've only got a P90..." don't be
put off. You can get very smooth graphics in VGA with most of the
details on. I just happen to prefer SVGA with very smooth graphics.
Now, if only I could afford that Pentium Pro 200.... (or was brave
enough to overclock my P133 to a P200 like John has done - a case of
braveness boardering on insanity perhaps <VBG>)