GRAND PRIX 2: Processoer Occupancy

Julian Lov

GRAND PRIX 2: Processoer Occupancy

by Julian Lov » Mon, 22 Jul 1996 04:00:00

Hi all

Happily playing GP2, but having never played F1GP, what does the
processor occupancy value mean? If this goes above 100%, does that mean
that the game no longer runs in real time, or that it is running slower
than the frame rate estimate in the gfx option menu? Or something else

Thx, Julian

                                University of Oxford

Richard Walk

GRAND PRIX 2: Processoer Occupancy

by Richard Walk » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00

On Mon, 22 Jul 1996 08:18:15 +0100, John Wallace

>This is something a bit confusing about GP2.

>When you set up your frame rate as 25fps, that means that GP2 *WILL*
>show 25 frames per "simulated second". Now that means that if the screen
>gets very busy and your system can only draw 10fps, it will take 2.5s
>for every one "game second" - that's why you see the slow downs.
>Anything over 100% means the game cannot draw in real-time the frame
>rate you have requested.

>If someone says that frame rates <25fps don't give a true impression of
>speed, it's because their system can't handle the frame rate they wanted
>- so it looks slow. I've got mine setup for 20fps and it's very smooth
>with a good impression of speed.

>I'm not sure if it's a good (or easily understood!) system, but that's
>they way it works anyway.

Good explanation, John, and a _very_ important point.

If you want to play GP2 as a simulator, try and keep your graphic
options such that the occupancy rarely (and preferably never) goes
above 100%.

I have a pretty reasonable system (P133, 16MB, Matrox), but have
decided to switch _all_ detail off (except for trackside objects as I
like to have a feel for the circuit). This gives an estimate of 23.2
FPS (SVGA with all trackside objects) but I select 21.3 to keep
occupancy low.

At Monaco & similar I will reduce the amount of trackside objects to
keep the occupancy low.

I know that a lot of you will disagree with this as you prefer to have
the great graphics. Personally, I prefer the graphics to be as smooth
as possible without the eye candy. Rather like in Indycar, when I had
a 486DX33, I had all details off & waited until I could afford a
better system to have the eye candy as well as the smoothness.

BTW, if you are reading this and are thinking "$*%ing hell, P133 &
all details off, I'm not buying that, I've only got a P90..." don't be
put off. You can get very smooth graphics in VGA with most of the
details on. I just happen to prefer SVGA with very smooth graphics.

Now, if only I could afford that Pentium Pro 200.... (or was brave
enough to overclock my P133 to a P200 like John has done - a case of
braveness boardering on insanity perhaps <VBG>)


John Wallac

GRAND PRIX 2: Processoer Occupancy

by John Wallac » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00

This is something a bit confusing about GP2.

When you set up your frame rate as 25fps, that means that GP2 *WILL*
show 25 frames per "simulated second". Now that means that if the screen
gets very busy and your system can only draw 10fps, it will take 2.5s
for every one "game second" - that's why you see the slow downs.
Anything over 100% means the game cannot draw in real-time the frame
rate you have requested.

If someone says that frame rates <25fps don't give a true impression of
speed, it's because their system can't handle the frame rate they wanted
- so it looks slow. I've got mine setup for 20fps and it's very smooth
with a good impression of speed.

I'm not sure if it's a good (or easily understood!) system, but that's
they way it works anyway.


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________|  |__|    :|           John Wallace          |     |__|  |________

  \    :|  |::|    :|        Team WW Racing TSW       |     |::|  |     /
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Julian Lov

GRAND PRIX 2: Processoer Occupancy

by Julian Lov » Wed, 24 Jul 1996 04:00:00

> On Mon, 22 Jul 1996 08:18:15 +0100, John Wallace

> >This is something a bit confusing about GP2.

> >When you set up your frame rate as 25fps, that means that GP2 *WILL*
> >show 25 frames per "simulated second".



Thank you both for explaining this, as you can tell I'm not an F1GP
veteran. This is what I assumed happens from what it looks like in the
screen. Richard, like you I have a P133, and I too have found that I have
to turn most things off to get occupancy <100%. It's a shame, but it's
the only way I can make it feel like I'm driving an F1 car. Sometimes I
drive in VGA just to get the sensation of speed, but it looks SO ugly :(


                                University of Oxford

stuart lee

GRAND PRIX 2: Processoer Occupancy

by stuart lee » Wed, 24 Jul 1996 04:00:00

On Tue, 23 Jul 1996 01:50:44 -0700, Julian Love

>> On Mon, 22 Jul 1996 08:18:15 +0100, John Wallace

>> >This is something a bit confusing about GP2.

>> >When you set up your frame rate as 25fps, that means that GP2 *WILL*
>> >show 25 frames per "simulated second".


im still unclear about this matter.....If I set a frame rate of say 16
fps......and when Im racing I get an occupancy % of 160% does this
mean that the lap time I get...say 1min 50 seconds actually, in real
time, will take 1min 50 seconds x 160%.

sorry to be a bit slow on the uptake

Stuart Leeds

John Wallac

GRAND PRIX 2: Processoer Occupancy

by John Wallac » Wed, 24 Jul 1996 04:00:00

No, your lap time IN THE SIM will still be, but if you were to
time it with a stopwatch it would be X 160% (if your occupancy
remained at 160 for the full lap).

The reason being that you told GP2 to draw those frames, so it will draw
them even if it takes longer. My system gives 25+fps, but I still either
reduce detail or set the frame rate to 18ish just to guarantee no
slowdowns. It makes a big difference to lap times.

         __    _____|                                 |_____    __
________|  |__|    :|           John Wallace          |     |__|  |________

  \    :|  |::|    :|        Team WW Racing TSW       |     |::|  |     /
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  /    :|__|::|____/       * Sim Racing News *         \____|::|__|     \
/______:/  \::/ \::/  \._____\

Richard Walk

GRAND PRIX 2: Processoer Occupancy

by Richard Walk » Thu, 25 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>im still unclear about this matter.....If I set a frame rate of say 16
>fps......and when Im racing I get an occupancy % of 160% does this
>mean that the lap time I get...say 1min 50 seconds actually, in real
>time, will take 1min 50 seconds x 160%.

That's what I believe happens. I haven't tried to measure it in GP2
but that is definately what happened on the old Atari ST version of
F1GP (didn't have an "occupancy" display, but stopwatch times were
about 10% longer than those reported by the program).

No problem - it is a rather strange approach. Dropping the framerate
seems more logical to me....


PS I got the figures wrong in my previous post - it's 25.6 fps which I
reduce to 23.2 (so the performance is better than the 23.2/21.3 that I
reported <g>)

Keiron Ra

GRAND PRIX 2: Processoer Occupancy

by Keiron Ra » Thu, 25 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>When you set up your frame rate as 25fps, ..<snip>

Thanks for posting this info John. Just wanted to say it has been
appreciated & of assistance.

Could I inquire as to what CPU, video (chipset/card) & detail level are
your running for 20fps?


                --- Cogito Ergo Sum ---              *

* Fidonet:       (temporarily unavailable)            *
    Keiron Rado, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia     *  

John Wallac

GRAND PRIX 2: Processoer Occupancy

by John Wallac » Fri, 26 Jul 1996 04:00:00

Sure :)

                          ET6000 chipset
                          2Mb MDRAM

                          (sky HURTS!).


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________|  |__|    :|           John Wallace          |     |__|  |________

  \    :|  |::|    :|        Team WW Racing TSW       |     |::|  |     /
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  /    :|__|::|____/       * Sim Racing News *         \____|::|__|     \
/______:/  \::/ \::/  \._____\
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