about the upcoming release of Dirt Track Racing? It's going to be hitting
the shelves at about the same time as NASCAR 3, and I can guarantee you that
as an open-wheel fan and a dirt track fan, I will be buying DTR before I
plunk down money for N3. Then again, I'm not a real NASCAR fan, and I
REALLY love dirt-track action. I know a lot of you out there ARE real
NASCAR fans, and I know a lot of NASCAR fans also dirt fans, so I was
wondering if DTR is as eagerly-anticipated as NASCAR 3.
I know that until we see the goods and read the reviews, the jury may be out
on Ratbag's ability to produce a satisfying sim -- Papy always gives us
solid, satisfying sims, while Ratbag's Powerslide title was definitely more
of an arcade racer. And, until we see the reviews and hear the reports, our
knowledge of DTR is limited to the company's "party line" on the game's
overall goodness, plus a few screenshots -- and NASCAR Revulsion taught us
that eye-candy ain't all it's cracked up to be -- but for me, DTR is
currently the #1 most anticipated sim of 1999 (the late, lamented Trans Am
Racing previously held this spot, but that is not to be).
So, with NASCAR 3 coming out soon (and sure to be greeted with much hoopla),
is anybody besides me all worked up over the impending release of Dirt Track
Racing, or is it in danger of getting lost in the shuffle?
-- John Bodin
Publisher, The IRL Insider Magazine