GPL and fast laps (toe question)

Shaun Robinso

GPL and fast laps (toe question)

by Shaun Robinso » Wed, 15 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Is a high toe number required for fast laps? Mainly Monza. With a stiff
setup i quickly through together i got a 1:28.16 in an Eagle. My long
time favorite car being the Lotus and only getting a 1:28.36 in an
equivalent setup. I do believe that i hadn't touched the toe for the
above times. Lately i've tried out the setup of the 1:26's and i can't
stand the thing. I do what i can to tell the car where to go but it
still goes off on its own. So, i guess i used little toe, the 26 had the
full 1/2 inch of toe out, but that should cause more friction on the
track were mine is more adapt to going in a straight line which in
-theory- should be better at a track like Monza right? Oh well, pre
thanks to who clears this up for me.

GPL and fast laps (toe question)

by Schlom » Wed, 15 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Well...your right but your wrong.  Yes more toe in causes friction and -in
theory- slows you down.  But to get thru the turns better you need some toe.  I
use about -.125 in the front and about +.300 in the rear.  This is on the Eagle
however and on the Lotus it might be a different story.  Heres a good oval racing straightaway speed is everything.  However if you want
to get thru that turn at the get of the straight put some toe in/out
in the car even though it might loose you a tiny bit on the straight.  

This is as I understand it and might be a bit off but its very close to the
idea.  Hope it helps some.

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