Rename the replay. I think it has one too many letters in the name for GPL
to run it. Rename it WAT1_06_36.rpy and it should run.
>The replay of a lap 1:06:36 by Dave Mansell at the Apex doesn't seem to
>work for me. How about you guys? Damn it, what an *** time that is.
>I've yet to break the 1:06 barrier, but I know I will as soon as I finally
>nail turn 8. The few times I've nailed that mofo turn, I cut 0:00:5 off my
>time. My time is 1:07:03. A tip: if you want to save a replay of a good
>lap, don't catch fire by crashing in next lap's T2.
>Dave isn't related to Nigel?