This is a great wheel and I highly recommend it. The fix involves removing all
the screws from the bottom of the pedal base (ten I believe), and taking out
the springs. Take the brake pedal spring with you to your local hardware store
and find one or two that match closly in diameter. Do not worry about length,
they can be cut down with a Dremel tool or a good pair of wire cutters. The new
springs just need to be made of a slightly thicker wire for more resistance. I
only replaced the brake spring with the new thicker version, for the throttle I
took both of the original springs and used them together, one inside the other.
The original springs are of different length and diameter, so they act as a
nice progressive rate spring when used together, much like the rear shock
(damper) springs on my old Kawasaki.
Like any new piece of equipment, this one took some getting used to, but after
3 weeks with it, I wouldn't go back to my old wheel. This weekend I set my
first pole position in GPL, something I could never do with the old one :- )