>Aopen is a consumer as well? The second recommendation was a joke. Its
>shoddy hardware, don't
>blame copy -protection, although that IS the consumers fault. If people
>would quit pirating sw, the
>companies wouldn't feel they had to use it. Make no mistake, copy protection
>fault, noone elses.
want. You should be blaming the pirates alone. Nevermind that the copy
protection doesn't work for shit - witness the proliferation of warez copies
flying around. The pirates don't CARE, they find a way around every scheme
that's been devised so far. If the CP worked, and no one could get a warez
version, then I'd be all for it. As it stands, the only people who get screwed
are the honest people who buy the game, then find it doesn't work on their
system because of a non-standard CD format... :-(
I can't believe you continue to stand behind such a f'ed up, ineffective idea.
Do you work for a publisher or copy protection shop? Those would be the only
two camps that should like this crap...
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