runs smoothly on my p166, 64MB ram, orchid 3dfx. The graphics are quite a
bit better than f1rs yet it seems to run faster on my computer than f1rs
did, amazing really, no slow downs at all. The sensation of speed seems
better to, especially at monaco where the barriers make you quite nervous.
No fia licence though so teams names and drivers names are just made up, if
this had been a patch or retail upgrade for f1rs we would have had one
awesome sim I think. I think they probably just added in the 1950's bit to
try and set this game apart from f1rs. As I said a real pity about the fia
licence, the combination of f1rs and monaco racing would have been a real
winner. I think they should have put this out as a patch or retail upgrade
which only worked if you had f1rs and a renamed f1rs named monaco
racing(this way they would probably still have the fia licence since it
would not be classed as a separate game) for those that did not have f1rs,
I'm sure thay would sell a lot of complete new copies with this new name.