***Over/understeer feedback in racing sims***


***Over/understeer feedback in racing sims***

by Trip » Mon, 14 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> The LF
> RF LR RR tires will have speakers placed exactly where the sounds would be
> coming from and this will give maximum effect.Then Sim fanatics,who would
> have no problem buying 4 speakers and a 3Dsoundcard,could get the extra
> feedback it takes to drive a sim such as GPL with a little bit more
> relaxation and enjoyment.Or then again it might make them more aggresive
> since they can judge the edge better:))))

I have to say that I LOVE this idea. This is perhaps the first
compelling reason I've seen for a 4 speaker *** setup and 3D
soundcard. I know that if sims supported this I'd buy a second set of
speakers immediately.



***Over/understeer feedback in racing sims***

by Wade » Mon, 14 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I like this idea too! So a 3D sound card will get you "Quadrophenia" ?!? I
love this idea, a speaker at all 4 corners. Good stuff.
Happy Lappin',
Wade Tschida


***Over/understeer feedback in racing sims***

by Mart » Mon, 14 Sep 1998 04:00:00

If I mayI think you over state the need to have more tire sounds to
improve driver feedback.

First, in the real world, by the time you hear tire squeal you are on
the down side of the traction curve. Max grip is just before you hear
the tires complain. GPL seems to model this well as evidenced by shorter
stopping distances with minimal squeal. As with the real thing, in GPL
tire squeal is good for crisis management when youve gone over the edge
rather than basic car control.

Second, there are other variables in GPL that can be used to sense the
limitsteering angle & force, petal position & force, visual speed, etc.

Certainly force-feedback-steering will be a big help when the software &
hardware are done right. One thing that can be improved now is brake
petal force. Controllers like the Thrustmaster use a constant spring
rate giving less feel than real car where force at the petal increases
drastically with travel.

I share your frustration though, trying to find and consistently
maintain control at the limit of adhesion. For those of us older guys
who learned to drive fast by the seat of our pants in a real car instead
of a video game, the lack of G-loading in a sim is frustrating.

I like your idea for 3d sound in being able to hear where
a close car is.


> I have posted here before on my idea of using 3Dsound(hearing the grip
> sounds
> coming from the front or rear or both)to enhance the over/understeer
> feel
> that racing sims lack.


***Over/understeer feedback in racing sims***

by Trip » Tue, 15 Sep 1998 04:00:00

All good points... still, sound is one of the few feedbacks that we can
get on a PC, even if it's not exactly realistic, it's a good compromise
considering all the forms of feedback from the real world that we can't


> If I mayI think you over state the need to have more tire sounds to
> improve driver feedback.

> First, in the real world, by the time you hear tire squeal you are on
> the down side of the traction curve. Max grip is just before you hear
> the tires complain. GPL seems to model this well as evidenced by shorter
> stopping distances with minimal squeal. As with the real thing, in GPL
> tire squeal is good for crisis management when youve gone over the edge
> rather than basic car control.

> Second, there are other variables in GPL that can be used to sense the
> limitsteering angle & force, petal position & force, visual speed, etc.

> Certainly force-feedback-steering will be a big help when the software &
> hardware are done right. One thing that can be improved now is brake
> petal force. Controllers like the Thrustmaster use a constant spring
> rate giving less feel than real car where force at the petal increases
> drastically with travel.

> I share your frustration though, trying to find and consistently
> maintain control at the limit of adhesion. For those of us older guys
> who learned to drive fast by the seat of our pants in a real car instead
> of a video game, the lack of G-loading in a sim is frustrating.

> I like your idea for 3d sound in being able to hear where
> a close car is.

> Marty

> > I have posted here before on my idea of using 3Dsound(hearing the grip
> > sounds
> > coming from the front or rear or both)to enhance the over/understeer
> > feel
> > that racing sims lack.


***Over/understeer feedback in racing sims***

by Lou » Wed, 16 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>All good points... still, sound is one of the few feedbacks that we can
>get on a PC, even if it's not exactly realistic, it's a good compromise
>considering all the forms of feedback from the real world that we can't


Maybe the PCI card can be Monster Smell. Give off tire burning smell when
your sliding,
brake smell when your braking, and burning smell when your on fire.
No; actually I think better surround sound is good. When are the sports TV
broadcasts going to be in stereo? Its like watching Star Wars in mono!
When you watch Top Fuel you should be able to turn down the announcers voice
and turn up the engine sounds so that the windows rattle. In a F1 in-car
camera shot you
should be able hear what side the car behind is.
I need some headphones that have quad speakers so I dont annoy my wife when
I am playing computer games late at night.
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