I thought the car should lurch a little to the left at Talladega as the cars
have staggered tires(larger tires on the right side than the left). This
would cause the car to drift to the right. So it would be real to have
> Version 1.03 fixes this
> > I just re-installed N2 in preparation for the 98 NORS series. This is
> > the first re-install since I bought the game originally. I patched to
> > 1.02 but I have this weird left (steering) lurch on occasion at Tally.
> > Seems like I vaguely remember this but have no recollection as to how
> > to fix it. Am I tripping or do I actually remember this from the
> > first install? If it is a known fix, anyone remember it?
> > -Kev
> > nxs.net is my domain and kf-lan is my username.
> > *spam deterring email address format*
Me Go Bye Bye!
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