Hi Todd,
let me be one of the first to say "Welcome!"
Since I have been a reader and participant of RAS for a few years now,
allow me to humbly offer a few words of advice:
Do not take flames personally.
Do not attempt to answer *each and every* posting about TAR (is that
our official abbrev?)
Do not take flames personally.
Model your appearance on the group after Papyrus' Mike Lescault, i.e.
read everything but think, think, think before you post and never ever
post in anger. Simply ignore flames and trolls. (Mike, I hope I
represented your approach correctly.)
Do not take flames personally.
If you're interested in a case study of a company representative who
could not take the heat, search dejanews for contributions by Dean
"CART team" Lester.
Do not take flames personally.
Do not get overly defensive. If people voice legitimate concerns, try
to fix the problem rather than explaining it away. The latter won't
work here.
Do not take flames personally.
Last but not least, make a great sim that's easy to represent in this
forum. :)
Again, a hearty welcome! I'm sure I'm speaking for most regulars of
the group when I say that we very much appreciate the presence of sim
developers in RAS.
P.S.: Could you please set the line length to approx. 70 characters?
Makes for easier reading on sub 17" monitors.
>Okay <deep breath>, here goes:
>I am currently working for Engineering Animation on TransAm Racing '68-'72.
>I've been lurking
>for some time now, initially watching for threads about our game but getting
>more and more caught
>up in the newsgroup in general. While I've been a casual Nascar player for
>a couple of years, I'll
>admit I had never checked out r.a.s. until after starting work on the game.
>Oh yeah, I'm currently
>at 1:12 in the Lotus in GPL...
>We've had discussions at work about participation in the newsgroup.
>Feelings have been mixed,
>with at best a cautionary attitude about being more involved. I should say
>that I am speaking
>for myself and not the company, at least for now. I'm actually doing the
>racecar dynamics programming
>and would love to spill my guts about what we're doing, but I'm not sure
>what the reaction would be
>upstairs or, probably more important, at GT Interactive. I would be up for
>attempting to get company
>backing, if you guys are interested in the involvement of a newcomer to this
>As for the game, I will only say that the public's perceptions of a game are
>heavily shaped by marketing prior
>to its release (or at least the release of a demo) and that there has been a
>LOT of emphasis on crashing
>in the hyping of this game. But I'm hesitant to get involved in any sort of
>long, drawn out defense because
>many people won't really believe me until they've played the game, right?
>And that's as it should be. In any
>case, anybody interested in the game might like to know that I've been
>developing real-time computer graphics
>hardware and software for training and simulation applications for almost 15
>years, and that my business cards
>used to say "Sim Guy." I also happen to own a 1970 Boss 302 Mustang, the
>homologated street version
>of the car that won the TransAm Championship for Ford in 1970, at the hands
>of the great one, Parnelli
>Jones. So you can see I have more than a passing interest in the subject.
>I also realize that we are currently nobodies in this market and that, as
>far as most of you know, we
>could be just a flash-in-the-pan. All I can say is that proof will be in
>the pudding. Okay, I know I left
>my fire suit around here somewhere...
>Todd Heckel
Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.
Uni des Saarlands \ and U.S. law. You have been warned.