I just wanted some help understanding modem play in N1...I do it every
night. Me and my friend hook up (I dial him). After we are connected
the game makes me use the second car in my car set. Say I was using
Hoosier tires for my normal car (first in the car set) but when we hook
up for modem play I'm switched to a car that uses goodyears. Yet, the
game keeps all my information from the first car. I just wanted to
know... if I'm switched to goodyear's (second car) will the game switch
my tire brand also??? so even though in modem play it might appear that
I'm using goodyears...does the game actually switch the data for tire
brands (Hoosier data) along with all the other information?...also, does
the game do the same for the my Chassis?
Any help would be great!...Thanks in advance!!!!!