> >net.com> writes
> >>My T2 worked OK under Win 95 - no special card (Onboard S/B Vibra 16 in
> >>Intel Endeavour mboard). What's the problem ? The game is still rapidly
> >>boring. Hope Sega is better.
> >>Pete
> >Erm, I think it's just SB & compatible sound cards that the game has a
> >bit of trouble with.
> Mine doesn't make sound at all....even though all IRQs and stuff seem to be
> right. Any ideas?
> Jo
I just d/l'd RAC Rally yesterday. I did a "Restart Computer in MS-DOS
Mode", ran SETSOUND, then RAL. Aside from some weird flashing graphics
after I selected my T2, the game runs great in DOS in hi-res. The sound
changes depending on what road surface you're on...it changes if you
one wheel off on the grass, too.
I think the game is pretty good, although I'm disappointed that the car
is limited to the borders of the road, and you can't really take corners
at full opposite lock the way God meant rallying to be...and driving
straight into a forest at 145 mph should *really* do some damage to
the car (maybe it does in the commercial release?), not just slow you
I've seen AI cars flip, but haven't been able to flip my own car (yet).
And I'm not sure why the driver animation is wearing what appears to
be oven mitts!!! But I definitely like RAC better than Sega Rally.
| \| |/ _ \ | | Neil Yeatman
| |\ | __/ | | Ajax, Ontario, CANADA
|_| \_|\___|_|_|