Is there driving simulator in the public domain?


Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by ro » Sun, 07 Sep 2003 03:14:27

Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

I am looking for any kind of driving (car/truck/scooter) simulator
that I can use in a research project on drowzy/drunk/sober driver analysis.  
I need to be able to control the speed, steering, etc.

Can anyone help?  Thanks !


Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by Sting3 » Sun, 07 Sep 2003 06:22:29

Could try the "evaluation version of LFS?

There are demos of not too picky "simmers" like Microsoft's Midtown madness,
I personally never got any of the Need For Speed (BY Electronic Arts) to
ever run on my computers it seems.  especially the demos...

Live For Speed (LFS) by totally different group, would be more my choice as
it has reasonable Physics, free in evaluation mode (limit on cars & tracks)
it is limited until you pay $ (actually euros) to unlock it, so wouldn't be
too bad, plus is "City" orientated.  other ones might be a bit difficult to
get running, and with you using it funny?  least LFS should run, with a good
wheel joystick?

    Now about controlling, you dont mean not as a driver right?  like
drivers ed teachers have gas, brake, & sometimes a wheel to take over??
that I havent seen anywhere...  cause nobody's life at risk either LOL.

jason moy

Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by jason moy » Sun, 07 Sep 2003 08:56:03

Racer and Netkar would probably be suitable.



Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by ro » Sun, 07 Sep 2003 09:48:15

> Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

> I am looking for any kind of driving (car/truck/scooter) simulator
> that I can use in a research project on drowzy/drunk/sober driver analysis.  
> I need to be able to control the speed, steering, etc.

> Can anyone help?  Thanks !

Hi Thank you very much for the recommendation of LFS.
I am sorry but what I need is just a software simulator that
can record the driving data (such as speed, steering angle at every timestamps)
in the form of time series (or you can call it data streams).

An example of what I want is like this:
It is a software driving simulator devised by people in CMU long time ago
for research only. But they cant find the code now.

Any suggestions?
thanks a lot

Kendt Eklu

Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by Kendt Eklu » Sun, 07 Sep 2003 11:51:27

> Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

> I am looking for any kind of driving (car/truck/scooter) simulator
> that I can use in a research project on drowzy/drunk/sober driver analysis.  
> I need to be able to control the speed, steering, etc.

> Can anyone help?  Thanks !

Sounds like you're looking to modify the physics/control routines to
simulate intoxication - I think Ruud's Racer may be the best bet,
unless NetKar has source available:  also check the racer forum at

Haven't tried it myself, but I hear it's pretty nice.


PS - would be funny to add routines to simulate narcotics, speed, and
LSD ;)!  How about the floating goats from No One Lives Forever ;)?

Matt Jessic

Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by Matt Jessic » Sun, 07 Sep 2003 12:33:47

> Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

> I am looking for any kind of driving (car/truck/scooter) simulator
> that I can use in a research project on drowzy/drunk/sober driver analysis.  
> I need to be able to control the speed, steering, etc.

> Can anyone help?  Thanks !

Why in the public domain?

You can drive many of the PC entertainment software titles that include
detailed telemetry. You could measure lap times or number of accidents
per lap, or etc.

- Matt

Kendt Eklu

Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by Kendt Eklu » Sun, 07 Sep 2003 14:31:46

> > Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

> > I am looking for any kind of driving (car/truck/scooter) simulator
> > that I can use in a research project on drowzy/drunk/sober driver analysis.  
> > I need to be able to control the speed, steering, etc.

> > Can anyone help?  Thanks !

> Hi Thank you very much for the recommendation of LFS.
> I am sorry but what I need is just a software simulator that
> can record the driving data (such as speed, steering angle at every timestamps)
> in the form of time series (or you can call it data streams).

> An example of what I want is like this:
> It is a software driving simulator devised by people in CMU long time ago
> for research only. But they cant find the code now.

> Any suggestions?
> thanks a lot

Realtime, or do you just need the data?  If you just need the data you
may be able to get what you want from the telemetry output from one of
the modern PC racing sims.  I'd bet EA's F1 Challenge 99-02 has the
best telemetry going, but I don't think you want drunk people in F1
cars ;).  I think it was based on add-on telemetry for F1-2002, which
has some road-type car mods that may be suitable.  Sorry I can't be
more helpful, but I haven't played much with telemetry since GP2!
Both LFS and Racer may give access to this data - I know LFS has
several real-time control and force display options, so it may still
have a debugging mode that could output this data.  Combined with the
ability to make custom auto-cross courses it may work for you.
I'd pop over to the racesimcentral forums for Racer and LFS - the
developers of both are regular contributors and may be able to get you
exactly what you want.

Good luck,
Kendt - a biology BA who works with computers, so any research project
gets my interest up.


Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by ro » Mon, 08 Sep 2003 08:27:44

> > > Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

> > > I am looking for any kind of driving (car/truck/scooter) simulator
> > > that I can use in a research project on drowzy/drunk/sober driver analysis.  
> > > I need to be able to control the speed, steering, etc.

> > > Can anyone help?  Thanks !

> > Hi Thank you very much for the recommendation of LFS.
> > I am sorry but what I need is just a software simulator that
> > can record the driving data (such as speed, steering angle at every timestamps)
> > in the form of time series (or you can call it data streams).

> > An example of what I want is like this:
> >
> > It is a software driving simulator devised by people in CMU long time ago
> > for research only. But they cant find the code now.

> > Any suggestions?
> > thanks a lot

> Realtime, or do you just need the data?  If you just need the data you
> may be able to get what you want from the telemetry output from one of
> the modern PC racing sims.  I'd bet EA's F1 Challenge 99-02 has the
> best telemetry going, but I don't think you want drunk people in F1
> cars ;).  I think it was based on add-on telemetry for F1-2002, which
> has some road-type car mods that may be suitable.  Sorry I can't be
> more helpful, but I haven't played much with telemetry since GP2!
> Both LFS and Racer may give access to this data - I know LFS has
> several real-time control and force display options, so it may still
> have a debugging mode that could output this data.  Combined with the
> ability to make custom auto-cross courses it may work for you.
> I'd pop over to the racesimcentral forums for Racer and LFS - the
> developers of both are regular contributors and may be able to get you
> exactly what you want.

> Good luck,
> Kendt - a biology BA who works with computers, so any research project
> gets my interest up.

Yes, I want the data, the time series data that include the following:
- the vehicle speed at every timestamp
- the steering angle at every timestamp
- the offset of vehicle from the median of the road

Any simulators can save these data into files so that I can read?
(I tried LFO and Racer. Seems LFO doesn't provide that kind of data, and
I cannot get Racer work on my pc.)

thanks a lot


Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by RLevy106 » Mon, 08 Sep 2003 10:27:16

Hey Roy
Look again at LFS, there website is
select the menu Tools and add-ons
Top right hand corner are two selections
Replay Analyser
FOR Coders

Select for coders
now some additional selections should come up
Select RAF FORMAT (for programmers)

Replay Analyser file version 2
this is the file format for the replay analyser. If you are capable of some
programming you can write a specific program for your needs.

All of the programs listed have the ability todo what you are looking for, they
all save the information, they just do not display all the things that you are
looking for... with some creativity on your part you will be able to make any
of them do what you want...

Best of luck, sounds like an interesting project.

Rich L.

Doug Millike

Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by Doug Millike » Mon, 08 Sep 2003 13:31:52

Here's a link to a group that is doing the same kind of research:

Years ago, Daniel Cox used a modified Atari Hard Drivin' (arcade game)
for this kind of work, now it looks like they are getting a dedicated
simulator.  He published a number of papers...should be in some medical
indices (but I don't have any links).

-- Doug Milliken


Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by ro » Tue, 09 Sep 2003 09:21:42

> Hey Roy
> Look again at LFS, there website is
> select the menu Tools and add-ons
> Top right hand corner are two selections
> Replay Analyser
> FOR Coders

> Select for coders
> now some additional selections should come up
> Select RAF FORMAT (for programmers)

> Replay Analyser file version 2
> this is the file format for the replay analyser. If you are capable of some
> programming you can write a specific program for your needs.

> All of the programs listed have the ability todo what you are looking for, they
> all save the information, they just do not display all the things that you are
> looking for... with some creativity on your part you will be able to make any
> of them do what you want...

> Best of luck, sounds like an interesting project.

> Rich L.

Hi Rich,
Thank you very much.
I download F1PerfView, now I can view the raf.
The problem is, I don't know how to record the data into raf.
I selected single racer, after the car ran some time, I click Esc and
go the the Replay menu, in the Replay section, I click Esc again and
select Output lab data, I entered the file name, but finally, I got
nothing in my raf directory.
My question is can I only record part of the race into raf file?
or do I need to finish the track to get the raf file?

thanks a lot

Ruud van Ga

Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by Ruud van Ga » Thu, 11 Sep 2003 00:01:27


The latest Racer alphas (v0.5.2) record the 2 first entries; the
offset wrt the median (lateral position ranging from 0..1) is trivial
to add.
It is specified through logging, which can be toggled on/off with F3.
It records in a very simple format which specifies the fields in the
first line, then the data, like this:

time steer0 steer1 u0 u1
1200 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.2

Where time is in milliseconds, steering is in radians, u would be in a
range of 0 (left side of the road) to 1 (right side).

I've used this for example in a rough telemetry analysis tool to
examine a high-frequency force feedback defect which you could feel in
a high-end wheel, but not consumer wheels. And we use it with ADAMS
for example to analyse car behavior.

I could do the lateral log feature and send you the exe, but that's an
v0.5.2 beta so requires some tweaking to run perhaps, and I see you've
been having trouble (perhaps a firewall issue, check
c:\sims\racer\QLOG.txt for possible hints).

Still, as others indicated, you can also use existing sims. It's
mostly the extent of the telemetry data that is the limit.

Ruud van Gaal
Free car sim:
Pencil art  :

Ruud van Ga

Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by Ruud van Ga » Thu, 11 Sep 2003 00:04:57


Ah btw, do you intend to let actual people drive, or do you want to
simulate a 'drunken AI'?
That last one would be interesting, although there's nothing like a
human to simulate 'drunk controls', if only since it would be more
fun. ;-)

Racer doesn't have real support to input speed/steering externally
other than joystick/keyboard/mouse, but you might be able to fake it
through mouse warping for example to simulate left/right,
throttle/brake. That's how my AI does things a bit anyway (not
warping, but 2 axes, 1 for steering, 1 for 'acceleration').

Ruud van Gaal
Free car sim:
Pencil art  :

Doug Millike

Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by Doug Millike » Thu, 11 Sep 2003 04:17:41

Hi Ruud,

* <joke> Variable "u" is already taken for longitudinal velocity--see RCVD
Chapter 4.  You will have to pick another letter for lateral offset<grin>.

* When we did our informal experiment, we actually got drunk (monitored
with a breathalizer) and kept track of scores in Hard Drivin'...  One of my
friends has the data, I think he uses it as an example of "confused data"
for a statistics course he teaches (internal to the computer company where
he works).

* Can you say what kinds of things you do with ADAMS?

-- Doug Milliken


Ruud van Ga

Is there driving simulator in the public domain?

by Ruud van Ga » Fri, 12 Sep 2003 01:11:22

Hehe, what I'd suggest is you send everyone a voucher so they can
bring back RCVD and get a new copy where chapter 4 corrects 'u' into
something other. ;-)

Cool. I think I'd just get sick in our motion platform, but the idea
is interesting (only from a scientific standpoint ofcourse, ahem). :)

Actually, I don't use it myself, but I'm working with a company which
does virtual prototyping and uses that. So they work out forces on
prototypes for cars, suspension analysis and such in software.
They're also working with Racer & FCS-CS here in Amsterdam to create a
decent car that behaves realistically. They have access to things like
MF-Tyre to create Pacejka sets from sample data for example.

The top picture at shows the motion
platform plus high-end steering wheel (it can rip your arm off if you
don't limit it) and Racer in action. The belts are really useful. ;-)

Racer exports telemetry data which can be imported in ADAMS, IIRC, for
analysis. The steering wheel is quite more sensitive than anything I
have lying around (a bunch of consumer wheels), so you tend to miss
high-frequency effects (some of those occurred some time ago with
lateral relaxation experiments).

The wheel/platform is controlled through a network and it's quite fast
at 100Mbit - I know you're more into direct hardware control but with
100Mbit ethernet the time to get to the wheel is probably shorter than
the next frame being drawn onscreen. :)

The platform is meant to be the highest end thing available, and it
sure does feel nice I must say.
Sorry to digress, but it's just exciting stuff. :)

Ruud van Gaal
Free car sim:
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