venez rejoindre les 41 forcats du volants que nous sommes deja !
Salut :-)
Salut :-)
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
Try to translate this :"Anticonstitutionnellement" the longest French's word
: 26 letters :o)
Seb "do you really eat Kangourous ??? Is there TV in Australia ??? :o))))"
I have not Internet at home :o(((
Fu**ing country for fast internet that is France.
Cable internet is limited to 1,5Go per month !!!!! too SHORT !!! and cost
US$40 per month !!!!
ADSL is not limited but have gigantic ping ( more than 170 ) and cost US$60
per month !!!
And i only want inclusive access to internet.
> For cats? You are running a GPL comp for CATS???!!!
> This I've just GOT to see!!
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"Team Mirage"
"The Pits"
* Spam is for losers who can't get business any other way *
Cats,'s all a blasted menagerie!
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
> > For cats? You are running a GPL comp for CATS???!!!
> > This I've just GOT to see!!
> I thought we had settled on cows ?
> Beers and cheers
> (uncle) Goy
> "Team Mirage"
> "The Pits"
> * Spam is for losers who can't get business any other way *
> "Spamkiller"
Dave Ericson
JDB Racing
> Rememebr that SNL skit Toonses the Driving Cat?...
> Maybe its something like that,... Lotsa guys driving off of cliffs,..
> > For cats? You are running a GPL comp for CATS???!!!
> > This I've just GOT to see!!
>ADSL is not limited but have gigantic ping ( more than 170 ) and cost US$60
>per month !!!
Richard Bellavance Enter-Net Inc.
Phone: (450) 652-7189 #16
Systems Administrator/ (514) 990-1683 #16
Analyst-Programmer Fax: (450) 652-6973
Tweaks & Reviews
> > For cats? You are running a GPL comp for CATS???!!!
> > This I've just GOT to see!!
> You deffinitively like this sort of humour ! didn't you ? :o)
> Try to translate this :"Anticonstitutionnellement" the longest French's
> : 26 letters :o)
> Seb "do you really eat Kangourous ??? Is there TV in Australia ??? :o))))"
> >ADSL is not limited but have gigantic ping ( more than 170 ) and cost US$60
> >per month !!!
> Sbastien, des pings de 170 sont amplement suffisants pour courir
> en ligne. Pour ce qui est du prix par contre...
affaire suivre.
Merci pour tes prcisions.
Seb. " ca fait bizzare de parler Francais sur r.a.s. :o) "
Salut :-)
Salut :-)