? How do you move up a class ?
In order to advance to the next phase in Careeer Mode, you must win
the first round overall (i.e., be the points leader at the end of the
season). This means you must pretty much either have consistent wins,
or finish consistently in the top 2 - 3 positions. If you mess up a
race, try re-running it for a better result.
The skills you develop in the lower ranks of Career Mode in Viper
Racing will serve you well later on -- the AI gets progressively more
aggressive as you move up the ladder. I still haven't managed to win
at the GT (top) level of Career Mode yet.
Hope this helps.
-- John Bodin
Publisher, The IRL Insider Magazine
On Mon, 12 Jul 1999 07:00:53 +1000, "Andrew Sword"
>In order to advance to the next phase in Careeer Mode, you must win
>the first round overall (i.e., be the points leader at the end of the
>season). This means you must pretty much either have consistent wins,
>or finish consistently in the top 2 - 3 positions. If you mess up a
>race, try re-running it for a better result.
>The skills you develop in the lower ranks of Career Mode in Viper
>Racing will serve you well later on -- the AI gets progressively more
>aggressive as you move up the ladder. I still haven't managed to win
>at the GT (top) level of Career Mode yet.
>Hope this helps.
>-- John Bodin
> Publisher, The IRL Insider Magazine
> http://irlinsider.adnetweb.com/
>On Mon, 12 Jul 1999 07:00:53 +1000, "Andrew Sword"
>>How do you get past the first round of races in career mode in Viper
>>? How do you move up a class ?