The problem is that external DSL/USB modem. It s***s. Really.
I convinced the tech to switch me to the NIC card version (Alcatel
SpeedTouch Home)
and it's running absolutely great.
>The problem is that external DSL/USB modem. It s***s. Really.
>I convinced the tech to switch me to the NIC card version (Alcatel
>SpeedTouch Home)
>and it's running absolutely great.
> >> I recently had Bellsouth ADSL connected at my home. Everything
> >seemed
> >> great until I tried running NASCAR 4 online which is really the main
> >reason
> >> I wanted it in the first place. The problem I am having is a stutter
> >or
> >> slight freeze frame effect whenever the USB EFFICIENT NETWORKS
> >> modem is active. I don't even have to be online for this to happen.
> >Single
> >> player race with the modem just running in the backround causes the
> >same
> >> effect. Bellsouth cannot offer any help but did admit to hearing the
> >same
> >> complaint in the past. They also yold me that there actually isnt any
> >> software running in the backround that it most likely was just the
> >internet
> >> signal causing the problem. Any ideas you guys have would be much
> >> appreciated. Thanx,
> >The problem is that external DSL/USB modem. It s***s. Really.
> >I convinced the tech to switch me to the NIC card version (Alcatel
> >SpeedTouch Home)
> >and it's running absolutely great.
> >--KC
I'm having the same problem with what I'm sure is the exact same modem he
quoted which is the Efficient Networks 4060. Sprint is solving this problem
by sending me a 5260 which is the NIC modem. A friend of mine is running the
5260 and he has had no problems whatsoever so I am looking forward to good
modeming once it gets here.
Dave Casey
Casey_94 (NASCAR Racing 3 & 4)
Amen to that. I was told by the phone support at PacBell ASI:
1) 4060 does NOT like ANY other USB device. Their first suggestion would
for you to UNPLUG ALL other USB devices
2) Even after that, you'll STILL have problems, esp. with that Enternet
software they use. Do NOT use 1.4. Use 1.34 or 1.41. 1.4 is buggy.
3) I haven't found a way to share a USB DSL's bandwidth yet, where a NIC
version is absurdly simple.
Read my Pacbell DSL nightmare on dslreports.com