I got the link from a forum, where they are also saying it has been removed
from the server...
Can't setup a ftp server or something, So i'm guessing it will be another
few days to wait.
I'll keep an eye out if someone from that forum sets something up
BTW : looks stil a bit dodgy (sun shines through roof, etc...), but the elan
is gliding nicely...
> So did anyone get it?
> --
> Andi.
> Remove only one zero to reply
>>>Via backdoor:
>>>Goto http://www.gt-legends.com/demo_en.php
>>>see the info, Click on the download and get the error message. On this
>>>there is a File.hsm link. Save this file on your desktop, rename to
>>>"whatever you want.exe" and enjoy the demo !!!
>>>Size : 269.0 Mb
>> Hmm, I was getting the demo and it got cut off at 39.3mb and now that
>> web site says "error 404: Datei nicht gefunden!". Guess I'm out of
>> luck.