With Rally Championship, GP3, MPGRS3, and the Nascar titles from Papyrus on
their way, I don't see the upcoming 6 months to a year as bleak. Just the
GPL didn't sell well because it was a simulator of the 1967 F1 season. It
was a niche product. I think Papyrus knew exactly how well it would sell. If
it had been a simulator of modern day F1 or Nascar, it would of easily sold
a million copies due to it's quality.
I don't want to ruffle anyone's feathers, but I think some hard core simmers
(which I count myself as one) really need to give up this illusion that
arcade racing fans "can't" drive a sim like GPL. Realism in a physics model
does not scare an arcader at all. IMO, for every one, excellent, hard core
sim driver, they are a thousand arcaders with just as much ability to rip
around a virtual track (including many 14 year olds). Have you ever competed
online, or off, with the top drivers of any arcade racing games? Trying to
beat them is just as difficult as trying to beat any top sim driver. We are
all just guiding a cartoon car around a cartoon track.
I think hard core sim drivers hate it when their hobby is often looked upon
by family and friends as childplay, and we go out of our way to legitimize
it by criticizing arcaders. Psychological analysis is now over. :-)
The realism of a sim's physics model is not what's challenging. It's the
type of cars and race that presents the challenge. Honestly, I never found
GPL any more daunting than some other sim/racing games I've enjoyed. Just
different. Arcaders enjoy a different challenge, not an easier one. They
simply prefer a more excititing environment to race in. The intended
recreation of reality in sims doesn't offer that. More eye candy, fantasy,
options, speed, etc., is what they want. The difficulty of the driving is
rarely ever mentioned by anyone I've been around.
Most of the comments that I've heard from real race car drivers (such as in
CART, F1, or Nascar) indicate that even they prefer the arcade racing games.
A quality sim of modern F1 will sell through the roof. GP2 and F1RS/MGPRS2
prove that. Nascar racing sims will sell like crazy also. Your average
person doesn't walk in a store and dwell on whether or not the physics model
will prevent them from enjoying the title.
David G Fisher