>> Even with moderate damage myself and 39(jsterner) got hosed by the
>> damage and the tendency for the cars to flip to easily. Early in the
>> race 50
> drove
>> straight down onto the apron in T3 and then spun up into 39 who then
> bounced
>> up into me sending us both into the wall and me upside down. No
>> direct contact with the nose of my car, but it was pouring out the
>> black smoke
> when
>> I came to a rest against the wall. My day and jsterner's day was
>> done. Of course 50 received no damage and continued on. Frustrating,
>> but just one
> of
>> them racing deals. Better luck next week.
>> Kyle
> Not that I can not be a moron at times, but if you look at the replay,
> the car broke loose before I hit the apron.
> When the back started the slide, I tried to continue toward the apron
> to stay out of the way and not cause "the big one".
> And I doubt anyone feels more like an ass than I do for causing a
> wreck. I would rather crash myself and end my race than hit someone
> else. Especially with being a new driver to RASCAR.
> I do apologize for your misfortune, and promise to do my best of my
> ability in the following races.
> Dave (KnektR#50).
No big deal Dave, I've been there too :-)