I picked up GPL around June..and since have been on a mad quest to scratch
at my "rank".....well here I am 10 pounds heavier and still at +44.xx on
GPLRank................ahhh well...maybe my 20th class reunion next summer
will give me incentive to get off my ass!!
I wish I could say I have enjoyed every minute of GPL...(so far)...but I
have a LONG way to go! BTW...this is all coming from an ugly American "left
turn guy" I will admit to always watching (lurking), and saying "would could
be so good about GPL"...nowI knowwhat all the fuss was about!!! This thing
is like getting the girl you could never bed!!
Any of you newbies...I would love to be a mouse in your house and watch you
TRY to put this thing away for the evening...hehe!
I see no way of becoming an alien..I am tapped out speedwise...but after
watching all the posts the last year or so...then finally seeing it for
myself...I see the light!!
Oh...and EldredP...stop ***in..you are at a special place a lot of us will
never see, (as far as I can tell hehe!)
Ok......as you were men!!
GPLrank +44.something
(MoGPL too high too display in a public forum)