West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

Tom Pabs

West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by Tom Pabs » Mon, 09 Apr 2001 04:33:49


I must be missing some "posts".....I can't believe its nearly 2 pm in the
afternoon (East Coast)....and there are no posts regarding the awesome radio
show yesterday, "Track Talk".......with Chris Crosby doing the emcee
chores.......Guy Wilson as his able assistant (word is...Guy wore his short
skirt and high he got the job of Chris' assistant...because of
his "legs." and fielding call-in questions
with Chris and Tony West (from England)....for nearly 5 and 1/2 hours!

If you listened to it all......(which I did...while working on building a
new was a perfect backdrop for building a new "race
box") were left with several impressions:

    1.  Chris and Tony West are dedicated to WSC....and what ever it may be
called in the future....dedicated to it becoming a "universal" racing
simulation software encompassing all forms of auto racing on all types of
tracks.  What will get initially "released" as WSC-Box....that's what I'm
now calling Empire.....will barely scratch the surface of what
this sim will eventually become.

    2.  Chris and Tony are funny.....even when not trying to be funny!

    3.  They have a "can do" attitude about WSC that is amazingly opposed to some companies who only say, "can't do
that....take it or leave it."  That's becoming tiresome!

    4.  Unlike some companies who try to "block and stop" innovation from
the talented "hackers" in this sim racing community....Chris and Tony not
only desire this communities' help.....they will work with you and encourage you with your "WSC-project" as much as they can!  That's
refreshing too....and virtually guarantees WSC - post "box"....will be "king
of the hill" for a very long, long time!

    5. all of the eventual "history" of WSC.......jump ahead a
couple dozen years if you like..........if only half of what was discussed
yesterday for 5 1/2 hours gets actually implemented in will
boggle your mind!  And, my sense is.....after listening to the entire
show.....almost **all of it**.....will get implemented!!!!

    6.  "Track Talk".....rough around the edges as it a total
winner!  I will be a regular listener from now on!

    7.  Guy Wilson is like "Radar" on the old M.A.S.H. TV show (or
movie).........need a piece of equipment?  Ask shows up in 20
minutes....installed and working matter what it is you ask
for!  Guy did a great job of fielding the phone calls....and
the "chat questions" whispered to him on VROC.....and Chris Crosby did a
great job keeping things moving along....questions clarified....and the
sometimes difficulty with the clear understanding of "answers or
questions"......far less annoying than it could have been.

    8.  Two years from today.....there will be only one sim installed on my
"race box."

    9.  Pro racing over the Internet will definitely happen.....and the
money will approach that of real world racing eventually......and NROS will
have nothing to do with this becoming a reality!  It will be WSC that
facilitates this happening.....and all the talented people in this sim
community today will make their contributions along with Chris and Tony.

    10.  WSC will be an incredible financial success.....for everyone
involved with it......despite the fact that no one associated with its
creation and evolution.....cares about money.  That's the "free enterprise"
system at its best!

    11.  Eric Cote's enthusiasm for sim racing is contagious!

    12.  The "***" GPL sim racing community members deserve much more
"recognition" then they are now getting.

I was totally entertained......yesterday......and informed and encouraged
and delighted........for nearly six hours!

Thank you,

Chris and Tony,

Chris Crosby,

Guy Wilson,

Eric Cote,

and every one of you guys in the GPL sim community!

My regards,

Tom Pabst

Don Burnett

West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by Don Burnett » Mon, 09 Apr 2001 04:42:47


<<< 8.  Two years from today.....there will be only one sim installed on my
"race box.">>>

Think it will be out by then?? Seems like I have been hearing about WSC for
a long, long time..

Don Burnette
D Burnette in N4

Some people do nothing wrong.
The problem is, they do nothing.
And THAT is wrong.


West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by vailma » Mon, 09 Apr 2001 06:50:10

I agree with you completely Tom.

I was one of the 100 or so that sat through the entire 4 1/2  hour(!)
interview and I must say that it was thoroughly entertaining.
Chris, Guy, and the Wests should be HIGHLY commended for putting that all

If you listen to the whole interview and are not impressed you need to have
your head examined.
This sim will be the most significant piece of software ever created for sim
racing in the next 5-10 years.

Completely scalable graphics engine
GPL quality physics
Number of cars only limited by hardware
Number of windows/viewports only limited by hardware
Online play with nearly unlimited settings
Actual pit crew and driver changes, all online and live
Track conversions/building in WSC will be a snap (I predict all F1CS, SCGT,
NASCAR Heat, and possibly GPL tracks imported within 2 months of release!!)
Car painting/modeling tool will be released.

Some extra tid bits of information that I caught:

The code is still somewhat in pieces, they are currently putting a demo
together for E3 in May
Alpha testing to begin soon after.
Initial release should include 8 tracks
Featured vehicles will include cars from the '50's to the '90's
(They have a "load" of cars modeled, licensing is the only hold up)
A street car or two may be added to the initial release (they mentioned the
Ariel Atom!)
The tracks are getting better(!)
A pace car will be included
New and exciting add-ons will be available for years after the game is
released with a rally pack expected to be one of the first.
The clutch has been modeled in great detail
The staccato sounds awesome and it's not even done yet (120 different sound
emitting points on the car!!)

These guys are the real deal. They are sim racers just like you or I and
understand what it takes to create the ultimate all-purpose racing sim.

It sounds like they still have about a year to a year and a half of work
left (they mentioned some difficulty with weather, dirt, and differential
modeling) but when it comes be prepared to have your socks knocked off.

Thom j

West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by Thom j » Mon, 09 Apr 2001 07:35:12

Btw was there any projection on any date at all during the show? anyone?
Tia.. Thom_j.

| Think it will be out by then?? Seems like I have been hearing about WSC
| a long, long time..
<snipped again>

Sancho Pink

West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by Sancho Pink » Mon, 09 Apr 2001 09:18:03

> Btw was there any projection on any date at all during the show? anyone?
> Tia.. Thom_j.

> <snipped>
> | Think it will be out by then?? Seems like I have been hearing about WSC
> for
> | a long, long time..
> <snipped again>

No, they did not even guess at a release timeframe.  It sounded like there
are still a ton of features that they want to include that haven't yet been
completed or even started (although some of these features may be part of
add-ons after the inital release).  They did say that there will be a demo
of some sort at Empire's E3 display in mid-May in Los Angeles (Empire will
not be at the actual E3 convention but at a nearby hotel, instead.  Also,
the West Bros. will not be there at all).  Soon after that, they hope to
start Alpha testing, and at some later date there will be two stages of Beta
testing, the first for only a select few simmers and then a more open beta
for anyone who requests it.  It sounded like they will be relying heavily on
feedback from the beta (especially with regards to online play, which Chris
West said he had little experience with), so there may be a lot more work to
do between the beta and the final release.  If you ask me, they are
spreading themselves a bit thin with so many promised features yet only two
men actually working on the game.  It was a very interesting broadcast,
though, so anyone with an interest in the game and a spare 4-5 hours would
be well served to download the show at

West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by vailma » Mon, 09 Apr 2001 09:18:33

Nope, that's one of the few things they didn't answer. They really don't
know themselves. There is still quite a bit of work and testing to do, not
to mention licensing issues to iron out.

They did hint at their current schedule:
From now to mid-may  they are piecing together all current work into a
playable demo for E3 (they mentioned the code is still somewhat in pieces)
After that they need to wrap up all major physics/modeling stuff and work
with Nvida to update to the various graphics enhancements found in DX8.

They mentioned that an alpha version would be hopefully made soon after E3
and that they will announce when they need Beta testers. Somewhere along the
line licensing issues need to be wrapped up and a demo would most likely
soon follow.

My guess is that we've got a little over a year till the demo and should
probably see the game released Christmas '02.

rik anthra

West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by rik anthra » Mon, 09 Apr 2001 13:24:54

> snip

> <<< 8.  Two years from today.....there will be only one sim installed on
> "race box.">>>

> Think it will be out by then?? Seems like I have been hearing about WSC
> a long, long time..

It's a nice hobby for them anyways.
JJ Srickli

West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by JJ Srickli » Mon, 09 Apr 2001 12:28:31

I think this title will never see the light of day, hope I'm very wrong !
JJ Srickli

West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by JJ Srickli » Tue, 10 Apr 2001 01:05:24

Sure whatever!.Time for them to produce. The time spent jawing with the
could be put to better use. I personally think its BS and  vaporware their
hyping while enjoying their 5 mins of fame. I'll believe it when it becomes
a reality
As I said before I hope I'm wrong but thats my gut instinct..
Jan Verschuere

West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by Jan Verschuere » Tue, 10 Apr 2001 02:34:44

I don't think the Wests are any different from any other developer... all
developers have an agenda of things they want to try in their game. Some of
the stuff gets in there, other things don't as the product is shipped. Only
through this chats and interviews we know about what the programmer is
"toying" with. I don't think we should see these as a feature list (as they
themselves might say: "that was a really dumb idea, let's junk it."). From
the way they sound I'm pretty confident they'll get the basics right, any
bells and whistles that make it in the game will be a bonus.

I'd be far more happy with a game that doesn't live up to the wildest of
expectations, but *is* the next reference, rather than some of the stuff
we've seen released over the past year which have one well implemented
feature, but fall several marks short of the current reference in other



West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by vailma » Tue, 10 Apr 2001 08:43:03

The ignorance of some of you is amazing.

First  off, if you knew anything about the developement of this sim you
would know that it was originally started in Glide, they are re-writting all
of the orginal code because Glide is now dead. They've got basically one guy
coding this entire sim and advances in technology (DX8!) )are slowing them
down because whole sections are constantly being re-written to keep the code
up to date.

Second, how can you say that they are "jawing with the media" when they have
decided to sit out E3 to work on the sim. If you were in their situation are
you going to tell me you wouldn't take the week off and hang out in Las
Vegas? I'm sure you wouldn't. These guys are aren't going so that they can
dedicate that time to working on WSC.

From who? 300 or so sim racing fans?

Before you post another ***y comment I suggest you remind yourself that
there are only 2 guys working on this entire project.
Next time you exit out of a session with GPL take notice to the list of
people who contributed to making that sim. There are about 100 names in the
credits with about 50 of them directly resposible for the coding, physics,
modeling, and graphics. And how long did it take to develop that sim?

Hans van Da

West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by Hans van Da » Tue, 10 Apr 2001 09:03:16

Someotherdude heeft geschreven in bericht ...

>>Sure whatever!.Time for them to produce. The time spent jawing with the
>>could be put to better use. I personally think its BS and  vaporware

>Exactly, with nothing but hype and a few screen shots, some people
>have already proclaimed this as the greatest racing game for the next
>several years.

>They should do what Croteam did with Serious Sam, no hype at all,
>just release a demo/test and blow everyone away.  And follow that
>shortly with a finished game, hats off to Croteam.

you didn't get, or seem to have forgotten
that the Westbro's follow quite a different path
than the usual.
They where working on a rally game that was cancelled
by their publisher half way.
In the mean time they where impressed with GPL but even
more so with what private parties added to it.
Better graphics, better sound, new tracks, better onlineracing
and so on.
So they decided to start all over but "first" ask what the
*** simmers would like in a racingsim.
And if possible they would include it.

So it looks like a long wait but it actually is not.
Most other simdevelopers have been working on it
for years before we know a new sim is on the horizon
and they seek publicity just before release of a demo.
The West's came out in the open not for publicity but
to find out what you "the ***simmer" would like
to be in it.
So we have known of this sim from the very early beginnings
which usually we wouldn't have known about at such an early
Another point why it takes longer than what we are used to
is that the West's are a two men team opposed to the usual
big group of developers and specialists at other companys.

I for one am happy that they are willing to listen to us
and have our idea's vented before they reached the stage
of a demo or final.
Because than most idea's would be just that, idea's of what
could have been.

The purpose of the tracktalk radio show was not for publicity
reasons but because they where invited to answer questions.
If they wanted publicity there are far better ways than to be
in a radioshow, in the middle of the night for hours, with only
120 or so listeners.

I stayed up all night (Holland) for the show and enjoyed it very
much and lots of questions where answered and also even more
idea's where brought up.
And since I thought some where brilliant idea's I wouldn't mind to
wait even longer.

With their aproach you can't simply say "put up or shut up"
because they want to build what "we" want so they have to ask

Sure, it can still flop, but so what.
They didn't ask for any pre-payment also I don't have any stocks
so just let them work as they like for as long as they like.

But sofar I don't think it is taken much more time than a "behind the
sim would've taken, build by two men.
And I like their openness and willingness to build what "I" want.

Hans van Dam

JJ Srickli

West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by JJ Srickli » Tue, 10 Apr 2001 03:08:18

Very True !

West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by ymenar » Tue, 10 Apr 2001 14:00:35

> Exactly, with nothing but hype and a few screen shots

Your memory surely forgot the movies and the big praise they got from many
developpers at E3.

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimato Dominguez
Corporation - helping America into the New World...

Guy Leac

West Bros. and Track Talk - Radio Show

by Guy Leac » Tue, 10 Apr 2001 19:44:02

Is there somewhere the radio show can be downloaded?
I did some kind soul record it and be able to post it somewhere


> Someotherdude heeft geschreven in bericht ...

> >>Sure whatever!.Time for them to produce. The time spent jawing with the
> >>media
> >>could be put to better use. I personally think its BS and  vaporware
> their

> >Exactly, with nothing but hype and a few screen shots, some people
> >have already proclaimed this as the greatest racing game for the next
> >several years.

> >They should do what Croteam did with Serious Sam, no hype at all,
> >just release a demo/test and blow everyone away.  And follow that
> >shortly with a finished game, hats off to Croteam.

> you didn't get, or seem to have forgotten
> that the Westbro's follow quite a different path
> than the usual.
> They where working on a rally game that was cancelled
> by their publisher half way.
> In the mean time they where impressed with GPL but even
> more so with what private parties added to it.
> Better graphics, better sound, new tracks, better onlineracing
> and so on.
> So they decided to start all over but "first" ask what the
> *** simmers would like in a racingsim.
> And if possible they would include it.

> So it looks like a long wait but it actually is not.
> Most other simdevelopers have been working on it
> for years before we know a new sim is on the horizon
> and they seek publicity just before release of a demo.
> The West's came out in the open not for publicity but
> to find out what you "the ***simmer" would like
> to be in it.
> So we have known of this sim from the very early beginnings
> which usually we wouldn't have known about at such an early
> stage.
> Another point why it takes longer than what we are used to
> is that the West's are a two men team opposed to the usual
> big group of developers and specialists at other companys.

> I for one am happy that they are willing to listen to us
> and have our idea's vented before they reached the stage
> of a demo or final.
> Because than most idea's would be just that, idea's of what
> could have been.

> The purpose of the tracktalk radio show was not for publicity
> reasons but because they where invited to answer questions.
> If they wanted publicity there are far better ways than to be
> in a radioshow, in the middle of the night for hours, with only
> 120 or so listeners.

> I stayed up all night (Holland) for the show and enjoyed it very
> much and lots of questions where answered and also even more
> idea's where brought up.
> And since I thought some where brilliant idea's I wouldn't mind to
> wait even longer.

> With their aproach you can't simply say "put up or shut up"
> because they want to build what "we" want so they have to ask
> first.

> Sure, it can still flop, but so what.
> They didn't ask for any pre-payment also I don't have any stocks
> so just let them work as they like for as long as they like.

> But sofar I don't think it is taken much more time than a "behind the
> screens"
> sim would've taken, build by two men.
> And I like their openness and willingness to build what "I" want.

> Hans van Dam is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.