Alanb, always helpful. Almost. ;)
> > While your good intentions are noted, all this guy had to do was look
> a
> > few posts and he would have seen an answer to his question. It is
> sometimes
> > quite unnerving when a guy drops in here or anywhere, asking a question,
> > when just with a little tiny bit of initiative he could've found what he
> was
> > looking for himself. It's just plain lazy not to do so. When someone
> does
> > this, I like to only give a partial answer (like a site where he might
> find
> > what he's looking for) and have the guy fend for himself.
> > Sorry if this offends anyone; it's sometimes my way of doing things. :)
> > Alanb
> Alanb, always helpful. Almost. ;)
> Elrikk