> Whoa there, buddy. It's a quote. I don't know if it's a language thing or
> what, it just sounded damn funny in a "I was driving along and there was
> this guy in front of me, he braked and then I noticed I was dead" kinda way.
I agree, I thought it funny too at first glance, just not enough to
justify an IRL jab. It's hard to pick on either group these days, as in
principle, CART's turned into the early-era Spec IRL, albeit maintaining
a diverse schedule, and IRL's morphed into the big bucks series with
heavy Japanese influence. :-)
Exactly, it's an awkwardly-worded quip, but no point for adding
political connotations.
I can't reallty talk, though. His English is infinitely better than my
Portugese! ;-)