most irritating things in N3 (and which, simple as it is, spoils the
'sim' idea of N3) is the turning on the spot of crashed cars.When there
is a crash and cars are turned in any direction but the right one, after
a few seconds they suddenly, magically, pivot on the spot and drive off!
While I have to spend precious seconds trying to turn around (which can
be quit *** some steep spots, taking a lot of grass, etc). This is
downright awfull! I'm I the only onewho's annoyed? BTW I also can't
believe Papyrus can't get rid of those VERY stupid AI cars staying
behind stopped cars on the track. Is it so hard to make them pass them
at full speed (like in real life)??? Incredible...
Still, N3 is great of course :-) Another small, simple thing what I DO
like are the skidmarks. I never thought something simple as this could
make a game look so good. It makes is so much more real and immersive!