thanks for the reply.
I've tried to write the LODBIASADJUST parameter into the Display/0000/OpenGL
branch of my Registry and set it to the same value its twin in the DirectX
branch is set to (0xfffffffb), but haven't been able to determine whether it
has an effect. I've changed back and forth 4 times, twice I thought it had
an effect, and twice I thought it hadn't <g>
I hadn't really expected it to have an effect as there's not too many
identically named parameters in the two branches. But I thought I'd give it
a try.
> relevance with OpenGL, then Direct3D, that's not entirely relevant,
> a million discussions on it.
> Concerning nvmax, one of the most popular tweaking programs for nvidia
> chips, I can't seem to find an LOD setting for OpenGL.
> I am aware that there are issues with nvidia drivers and lod bias and
> opengl. It used to be that you couldn't force any changes at all, it
> supported. Unlike in the 3dfx drivers, where you could change it easily.
> Maybe things have changed with the detonator drivers, maybe they haven't.
> Let me do a quick luck, I can't find
> any obiovus hack or tweak to OpenGL and LOD for nvidia chips. Maybe
> else has a lead?
> > Hi Squirrel,
> > regarding the LOD bias, is there an adjustment under OpenGL that has a
> > similar effect?
> > Thanks in advance
> > Achim
> > [snip]
> > ...Adjust LOD bias to -.05 with no FSAA, I guarantee that you will
> perceive
> > a better image, without the significant loss of FPS that FSAA entails.