then I will certainly pass. Generally you are supposed to raise
the bar with new games in a series. GP3 is starting to sound
like GP2 with a new paint job. Wow.
Yeah and it took a whole 4 years to he the most inefficient
computer game maker or just the laziest? Sounds like 2 years ago we
basically had GP3 made with add-ons.
Ronnie or Reggie?
David. (GPLRank handicap: +2.68)
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)
Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends
ICQ# 74084566
"I think I actualy played a non-3d alpha version of Grand Prix 3, 2 years
ago... when the '98 patch came out for GP2 that is." - DjFIL
> --
> > I enjoyed reading that - both times! :)
> > Some very reasonable opinions there from someone who obviously has
> > *realistic* expectations. That very much fits with my thinking towards
> GP3.
> > I was never expecting it to have a physics engine to match GPL, and from
> > when I saw the first screenshots, I could see there was the odd little
> area
> > that wasn't quite state-of-the-art.
> > As long as the GP2 gameplay is there with the close racing and top-notch
> AI,
> > I will be satisfied.
> > Simon.
> Those of you who have taken the warez plunge may not be seeing the final
> version of GP3 - I read on this ng that FF is not supported in this code, so
> this probably means this is quite an old version, as FF has been publicised
> by Hasbro for a month or two.
> The problem we are all going to have with this game is that we have
> patiently - very patiently - waited four years for the next instalment in
> the Geoff Crammond legend. How can there be anything but hyperbole given the
> biblical proportions of the wait we have all endured?Anyway let's face it,
> how often does a game totally exceed your expectations? - apart from the
> ubiquitous GPL of course.
> I have said on many previous r.a.s posts that I would personally be happy
> with a 3D version of GP2 - anything else would be a bonus. From what I can
> see on the videos that have come out of Italy in the past couple of days, we
> are going to get considerably more than that.
> Let's take weather for a start. It is clear from just a minute or so of mpeg
> footage that the wet weather implementation in GP3 is absolutely
> revolutionary. Bearing in mind the appalling efforts we have seen to
> replicate rain conditions in the past, this has to be seen as an incredibly
> big step forward. And weather implementation is something that all us GPL
> devotees can only dream of.
> Comments have already been made about "blockiness" of graphics. Having not
> played the game, I cannot speak authoritatively on this, but I would
> strongly make the point that I would gladly exchange a bit of eye candy for
> a consistent and impressive frame rate any day of the week.
> As we all know, the chief cause of irritation in the sim community is the
> inability of several otherwise interesting sims to cut the mustard in terms
> of frame rates. All postings have praised this aspect of GP3 - does anyone
> really want to invest in a Kray to run what is, after all, leisure
> software? - the game speed debacle of F12K is still fresh in our minds!!!
> Like everyone, I have my own portfolio of concerns borne out of my own wish
> list not being fully satisfied i.e. apparently identical pit crews to GP2;
> no 10 second pit penalties; no 107% rule; identical car shapes. However, we
> must remember that the perfect game has yet to be published, and it
> probably never will.
> The gist of this probably too long but heartfelt posting is that we should
> all be feeling positive about this exciting new addition to our race sim
> collections. As far as I'm concerned, the movies from Italy have made me
> even more impatient for next Friday to come around.
> Let's not talk the game down before it's even officially released...
So i will buy GP3, but it has to be really good to beat F1 2000.
Ofcourse thats my opinion....
One week to go, to find out ! : - D
Me too. But I will go for the Warez Final version.
Why should I pay for something that is NOT worth its money?
With all the hype and all the years Crammond worked on the thing, he HAS to
come up with something at least as good as GPL.
No, instead, these guys know that creating a massive hype makes far more
bucks than doing research and programming.
Unfortunately they are right about it, but I will NOT buy it, and if you
LOVE racing sims: you shouldn't reward them for this behaviour either!!!
TRY before you BUY.
The comparison F1-2000 vs. GP3 is nonexistant. It is pure fiction generated
by the EA marketing machinery.
To be honest I don't think Hasbro promised a whole lot more than just this.
It does have some more but all the other big stuff we heard about were just
fantasies of people.