F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

S. Jarzab

F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by S. Jarzab » Thu, 30 May 1996 04:00:00

        I was flipping through a magazine last month or so and saw an add
about Grand Prix coming out in Britain.  I think it was due out for
the Playstation. It looked alot like the one for the PC though but I
didn't have a really good look ar a chance to read the article.
        What I'm getting at here is that they mentioned a commentator with a
British accent during gameplay.  I don't  know whether this kind of
feature will be implemented in Grand Prix 2 for the PC but I think it
would be GREAT.  It would help to know what the front runners are
doing and add more depth to the game. Another option would be pit
communictions. Since so much is going (suposedly) into this game, pit
comms would add more to the game play.
        If anyone heard about these features or agrees with me, please post
your opinion.


Ron O'De

F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by Ron O'De » Fri, 31 May 1996 04:00:00

Pit communication, fair enough, but no announcer, please!  That's
a stupid idea.  You're >racing<, for heaven's sake!  Maybe an announcer
on replays, but not when you're driving.  Best not to have one at all.
If I want to hear someone call the action in a replay or when watching
another car after I'm out of the race, I'll call the damn thing myself!

-- -- Contemporary WB cartoons info. -- My own MIDI music and arrangements.

C Sh

F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by C Sh » Fri, 31 May 1996 04:00:00

=>         I was flipping through a magazine last month or so and saw an add
=> about Grand Prix coming out in Britain.  I think it was due out for
=> the Playstation. It looked alot like the one for the PC though but I
=> didn't have a really good look ar a chance to read the article.
=>         What I'm getting at here is that they mentioned a commentator with a
=> British accent during gameplay.  I don't  know whether this kind of
=> feature will be implemented in Grand Prix 2 for the PC but I think it
=> would be GREAT.  It would help to know what the front runners are
=> doing and add more depth to the game. Another option would be pit
=> communictions. Since so much is going (suposedly) into this game, pit
=> comms would add more to the game play.
=>         If anyone heard about these features or agrees with me, please post
=> your opinion.
=> Sebastian.

pit communications is out! someone memtioned a while ago that MPS said
it could be very difficult to implement all the different languages.

I think this is stupid because MPS can implement just english. It is the language
we all understand.


Neil Yeatma

F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by Neil Yeatma » Fri, 31 May 1996 04:00:00

>         I was flipping through a magazine last month or so and saw an add
> about Grand Prix coming out in Britain.  I think it was due out for
> the Playstation. It looked alot like the one for the PC though but I
> didn't have a really good look ar a chance to read the article.
>         What I'm getting at here is that they mentioned a commentator with a
> British accent during gameplay.  I don't  know whether this kind of
> feature will be implemented in Grand Prix 2 for the PC but I think it
> would be GREAT.  It would help to know what the front runners are
> doing and add more depth to the game. Another option would be pit
> communictions. Since so much is going (suposedly) into this game, pit
> comms would add more to the game play.
>         If anyone heard about these features or agrees with me, please post
> your opinion.

> Sebastian.

They *should* be able to do it.  It would be the same way EA made the running
commentary in FIFA'96 (it's a soccer/football game).  All of that I saw was
a demo, but it was extremely well done.  Just stuff like "Villeneuve holds
off Schumacher into the corner...", that sort of thing, and fastest lap
announcements would be even better!

Meek and obedient you follow the leader
down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel..

       Neil Yeatman, Ajax, Ontario, CANADA

Jean-Marie Muggia

F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by Jean-Marie Muggia » Sat, 01 Jun 1996 04:00:00

        Ok Chris, but as a non americam, I've got a language too. But it's not the same.

        When Microprose sell all around the world, he can make some efforts for other countries.

        I don't write english very well, please excuse me.

                Cheers, Jean-Marie

        Oui Chris, mais en qualit de non-amricain, j'ai aussi une langue, mais ce n'est pas la meme.

        Microprose vendant ses produits dans le monde entier, il peut faire quelques efforts pour d'autres pays.

        Je n'cris pas l'anglais de manire parfaite, je vous prie de m'excuser.
                Amitis, Jean-Marie

C Sh

F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by C Sh » Sat, 01 Jun 1996 04:00:00

That's not what I am saying. What I meant is that MPS can at least implement
English instead of nothing at all. Make sense doesn't it?

BTW, I am a Chinese [from Taiwan and live in Cape Town, South Africa to be exact],
my English is not well, too. I only learned this new language for 3 1/2 years....

Maybe I should type some Chinese characters, too :-)


=>  says:
=> >I think this is stupid because MPS can implement just english. It is the
=>  language
=> >we all understand.
=> >
=> >Chris
=>         Ok Chris, but as a non americam, I've got a language too. But it's
=>  not the same.
=>         When Microprose sell all around the world, he can make some efforts
=>  for other countries.
=>         I don't write english very well, please excuse me.
=>                 Cheers, Jean-Marie
=>         Oui Chris, mais en qualit de non-amricain, j'ai aussi une langue,
=>  mais ce n'est pas la meme.
=>         Microprose vendant ses produits dans le monde entier, il peut faire
=>  quelques efforts pour d'autres pays.
=>         Je n'cris pas l'anglais de manire parfaite, je vous prie de
=>  m'excuser.
=>                 Amitis, Jean-Marie

C Sh

F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by C Sh » Sat, 01 Jun 1996 04:00:00

=> They *should* be able to do it.  It would be the same way EA made the running
=> commentary in FIFA'96 (it's a soccer/football game).  All of that I saw was
=> a demo, but it was extremely well done.  Just stuff like "Villeneuve holds
=> off Schumacher into the corner...", that sort of thing, and fastest lap
=> announcements would be even better!

1. Was the FIFA only in English?
2. If this is possible, we will have no ability to
    modify the driver's names ie cannot update even if we wanted to
    This is not so good!


Bizarre Creatio

F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by Bizarre Creatio » Mon, 03 Jun 1996 04:00:00

>    I was flipping through a magazine last month or so and saw an add
>about Grand Prix coming out in Britain.  I think it was due out for
>the Playstation. It looked alot like the one for the PC though but I
>didn't have a really good look ar a chance to read the article.
>    What I'm getting at here is that they mentioned a commentator with a
>British accent during gameplay.  I don't  know whether this kind of
>feature will be implemented in Grand Prix 2 for the PC but I think it
>would be GREAT.  It would help to know what the front runners are
>doing and add more depth to the game. Another option would be pit
>communictions. Since so much is going (suposedly) into this game, pit
>comms would add more to the game play.
>    If anyone heard about these features or agrees with me, please post
>your opinion.


If it was an ARTICLE, and about a PlayStation game, then it was
probably about 'Formula 1'. This is due for release on the PlayStation
by Psygnosis later on  in the 3rd quarter of 1996, and is being
developed by us at Bizarre Creations. Have a look at Sim Racing News: for details.

We have full in-game commentary by Murray Walker, the well-known voice
of British Formula One racing. For the German audience, commentary is
by Jochen Mass,  French speaking countries can choose Phillipe Alliot
- Spanish and Italian are also available. For those who don't want
commentary, you can choose to switch to music, or in-car/trackside
sounds alone.

If this was an ADVERT, it was probably for F1GP2, as the advert
campaign for our game is a long way off! Regarding F1GP2 commentary,
I'm sorry, but I have no idea what they have planned -  you'll have to
ask Microprose about that one!


*** Bizarre Creations ***


F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by TOBY BRANFO » Tue, 04 Jun 1996 04:00:00

JM> >I think this is stupid because MPS can implement just english. It
JM> is the langu age >we all understand.

JM> Ok Chris, but as a non americam, I've got a language too. But it's
JM> not the same.

JM> Oui Chris, mais en qualit0 de non-am0ricain, j'ai aussi une langue,
JM> mai s ce n'est pas la meme.

JM> Microprose vendant ses produits dans le monde entier, il peut faire
JM> que lques efforts pour d'autres pays.

JM> Je n'0cris pas l'anglais de mani0re parfaite, je vous prie de
JM> m'excuser

You tell'em!!!


I'm typically British and sadly have no other languages (my French is
dire, couldn't read the above!) - but that's my loss.

This Anglo-centric (US-centric???) is sad isn't it!

Tee Heeee!!!


cc: JEAN MARRIE in 0598 on ALMAC

 * RM 1.3 U0414 * There's got to be a future in time travel.

Paolo Zanett

F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by Paolo Zanett » Wed, 05 Jun 1996 04:00:00

> JM> >I think this is stupid because MPS can implement just english. It
> JM> is the langu age >we all understand.

> JM> Ok Chris, but as a non americam, I've got a language too. But it's
> JM> not the same.

> JM> Oui Chris, mais en qualit0 de non-am0ricain, j'ai aussi une langue,
> JM> mai s ce n'est pas la meme.

> JM> Microprose vendant ses produits dans le monde entier, il peut faire
> JM> que lques efforts pour d'autres pays.

> JM> Je n'0cris pas l'anglais de mani0re parfaite, je vous prie de
> JM> m'excuser

> You tell'em!!!


> I'm typically British and sadly have no other languages (my French is
> dire, couldn't read the above!) - but that's my loss.

> This Anglo-centric (US-centric???) is sad isn't it!

> Tee Heeee!!!

> Cheers!
> Toby Branfoot

Can you tell me why all we europeans (I'm italian) here speak english,
but french guys always try to speak french in the news?

Paolo Zanetto


F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by Crow » Thu, 06 Jun 1996 04:00:00

>We have full in-game commentary by Murray Walker, the well-known voice
>of British Formula One racing. For the German audience, commentary is
>by Jochen Mass,  French speaking countries can choose Phillipe Alliot
>- Spanish and Italian are also available. For those who don't want
>commentary, you can choose to switch to music, or in-car/trackside
>sounds alone.

Great! Murray Walker is the person who calls the races for CBC here in
Canada, and does a great job. It will be nice to hear it! How
extensive will the announcing be? Just who is leading etc?

You have no idea how much I appreciate you guys making this for the
playstation.  Will is be more arcade-like or realistic? Whatever the
case - the one thing that has bothered me about the playstation is
that I've not been able to find a steering wheel hookup for it yet.
Does one exist? That would RULE!

John Buckle

F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by John Buckle » Thu, 06 Jun 1996 04:00:00

You mentioned a game on the playstation, that game is being
produced by psygonosis and is not related to f1gp2, the
commentator is Gordon Murray, the BBC commentator.  

Daniel Desland

F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by Daniel Desland » Thu, 06 Jun 1996 04:00:00

parce qu'on se laisse pas assimiler par les americains comme vous

John Wallac

F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by John Wallac » Thu, 06 Jun 1996 04:00:00

That's a statement worthy of "Gordon Murray" himself!!! ;)  His name is
actually Murray Walker, and he is the undisputed master of metaphorical


          __    _____|                                 |_____    __
_________|  |__|    :|          John Wallace           |     |__|  |_________

  \     :|  |::|    :|       Team WW Racing TSW        |     |::|  |      /
    >   :|  |::|    :|_________________________________|     |::|  |    <
  /     :|__|::|____:/         Sim Racing News         \.____|::|__|      \
/_______:/  \::/    \::/  \._______\

Magnus Lindber

F1GP2 Commentators or Pit Comms ?

by Magnus Lindber » Sat, 08 Jun 1996 04:00:00

> >Can you tell me why all we europeans (I'm italian) here speak english,
> >but french guys always try to speak french in the news?
> >--

> >Paolo Zanetto

> parce qu'on se laisse pas assimiler par les americains comme vous

Ahh.. La France! The country where everybody suffers from inferiority
complex and is proud of it!

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