to use either of them to change the physics. Any help appreciated.
Just go to my page and get it
You also have the tire patch
If you already have the correct editor then just run the patch
Here is an extract of this installation file
-INSTALLATION-------------------------------------------------------------- simple as that Of course you ahev to EXTRACT the RAR contents (rar is a compressed format,
> PJ
> > PJ
Copy the Mechacar.mfd Datei to your F1RC\DataBin\ folder and overwrite your
just like zip)
> the physics but what do I have to do with both of them?
> I do not understand what 'run the patch' means in this circumstance. Once
> I've shoown the program where my *exe file is for F1RC, what then?
> > I have downloaded the physics patch and the F1RC editor but I'm not sure
> how
> > to use either of them to change the physics. Any help appreciated.