about a demo of Trans Am Racing, I apologize. It was decided that it is
important to support multiple cars in the demo and the performance isn't
quite there yet. Nobody would be happy with a demo that requires a 450 Mhz
PII to run, even if the final release runs on a 200. Ultimately, our
are framerate and the driving model, followed closely by Internet multiplay,
graphics and sound (don't get me wrong - graphics and sound are
important, but the sim's gotta be realistic and playable). Also, with
regard to the recent screen shots that have shown up on the web, these are
not officially released images and appear to be from a build with graphics
that are at least several months old. Again, I apologize for getting
everybody's hopes up, but we won't release a demo (or the final game) until
we're sure it's ready.
Todd Heckel
Lead Programmer
Trans Am Racing '68-'72
Engineering Animation, Inc.