You should have been born French Bruce. I understand they don't put up with
> Whatever.
> I still find it rather sad that a perfectly neat little descriptive word,
> that has been around for generations, has had it's meaning totally changed
> because ***s abhor the contraction "homo".
> Bi-***s don't seem to be offended by the term "bi" when it comes to
> labels and as far as I am aware the term "hetero" hasn't caused an outcry
> amongst we hetero***s (a "straight" is something else entirely, as far
> I am concerned)
> My argument is less about *** preferences and tolerance and more about
> the demolition of English, I suppose.
> > Well, most of the ***s I know who have "come out" (meaning that,
> > many cases, they no longer will hide their *** preference) do not
> > consider themselves as "hiding" behind the term "gay." In this country
> (the
> > U.S.A.) the word "gay" is almost completely associated (as you note,
> > generally) with ***ity. Gays know it, ***s know it, and
> > straights (both the tolerant ones and those who aren't) know it. So as
> for
> > hiding . .er . . .well, if a term is so profoundly linked with a
> > cultural identity (or set of identities), how can you suggest there is
> > hiding going on? Who's left to hide from? Grandma and grandpa?
> > If I'm Caucasian, but I call myself "white," would you say I'm hiding
> behind
> > that term?
> > Do you really think that those who call themselves gay (instead of
> > themselves ***--and let's admit it: this isn't an either-or
> > situation--most do both, after all . . .), do you really think they're
> > hoping that most people won't notice?
> > I think you're making a bit of an assumption with the word "hide" . . .
> > Wow, this really is off-topic! But there it is . . .
> > In good faith,
> > David
> > PS If you argue with me, I'll call the police! Most effective, I hear.
> > > "Outing"
> > > Yet another example of a perfectly good word, used for generations in
> the
> > > context (example) "We went on an outing to the beach", now being
> > associated
> > > with
> > > ***ity.
> > > Just like the word "gay", once an innocuous English word that simply
> meant
> > > "happy".
> > > If ***ity is nothing to be ashamed about, why do those who have
> > this
> > > bent hide behind the word "gay?
> > > Just curious.........nothing more.