Who are you to determine what, for another person, is "better" or not?
I find the English language, its construction and usage, and the changes
that occur to be of interest. Whether or not there I have "better" things to
wonder about is entirely up to me!
The "language" did not "evolve" when it came to the bastardisation of the
two words used as examples.......the words pre-existed, they were not
produced from other words. The meanings did not "evolve"....they were
> : (Sigh) No, Ronny.......I'm NOT a *** basher, simply a curious
> : philosopher in search of answers to basic questions such as "If being
> : *** is okay, why not use the word "***" when describing
> : preference?"
> : Just one of those imponderables of life that raise my curiosity level a
> : notch.
> There are better things to wonder about. The language of ***
> preference is as much influenced by the hetero*** community as it is by
> the *** community. No one "stole" your sacred words "gay" and
> "outing" - the language evolved from both sides.
> Stephen