Im about to start building my own wheel and pedals and am just in the
process of deciding what pedal design I am going to use.
The aim is to have a large travel while keeping the heel planted in one
position. But what design is best!
You will notice with many pedal designs you end up moving your heel to fully
depress the pedals, and this is something i want to avoid.
Correct me if im wrong, but it seems that your foot pad (point of contact
for pedals) doesnt move in a perfect circular motion as u rotate them from
ure heel.
To go through ure foots entire range of rotation u roll your heel forward,
so surely your foot doesnt go through a circular motion?
Is the best design a pedal system that rotates from a pivot above your foot
like in a real car? It would seem so because this is also the design they
use on modern F1 cars if im not mistaken?
If the above foot rotating pedals are best, why is this, do they take sort
of automatically adjust for your foot changing its pivot point as you press
down? Its hard to explain in a text msg i know, but this mystery must be
solved! :)