> >Now I dont mean to start a Warez Good/Warez bad trail (honest)
> >I held from getting the Warez copy because I loved GP2 so much
> >I just couldn.t see it going wrong
> >I Warez tested GP2 and went on to buy it,
> >I did not want to waste download time and phone money
> >when I thought it would be a cert to buy
> >This is not worth thirty notes
> >Its GP2 with the ability to use my Windows based wheel
> >not bad but I wish I had waited a bit and got it on the first price
> >cut
> >then I'd be happy, but full price for this just leaves me feeling a
> >tiny bit cheated,
> >though its my own fault with going with my intuition that it would be
> >a certain winner
> >The more I play the more frustrated I get
> >not because its ***- cause its not
> >just at the thought of what it could or should have been