Painting NASCAR 3 cars.

Laurens de Jon

Painting NASCAR 3 cars.

by Laurens de Jon » Wed, 03 Nov 1999 04:00:00


Recently I've taken to painting NASCAR 3 cars, figuring that if I can't
drive a stock car, I should aim to excel in something else. Ha ha, mistake.

I use Paint Shop Pro 6.0 and I'm doing fine, except this is what I would
like to know: when using the templates, is there an easy way to change the
ugly green body color?  So far, I have alternated between not using the
template's shaded body color at all, or manually changing the varying hues.
But I keep feeling there has to be a better way.



-Laurens de Jong, the Netherlands.

Scott Humphrie

Painting NASCAR 3 cars.

by Scott Humphrie » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

use a different colored template***world/src/

Laurens de Jon

Painting NASCAR 3 cars.

by Laurens de Jon » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Thanks and I've used those before, but I'm talking about when I want a
specific color, one that's not on any template.

-Laurens de Jong

John Simmo

Painting NASCAR 3 cars.

by John Simmo » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Use the color replacer tool in PSP.  You pick the color you want
replaced, the color you wanna replace it with, and the select the
replacer tool and click drag the mouse all over the image.

This technique is a lot easier than manually re-painting the image one
color at a time.

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Phil Schmi

Painting NASCAR 3 cars.

by Phil Schmi » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

You can only use the colors that's in the N3 palette.....



Painting NASCAR 3 cars.

by sharon.. » Fri, 05 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Are you saying that if I paint my car in ADobe Photo Shop and I pick a
colors from the color charts that once it gets to N3 it will only pick
up what's in the Nascar 3 program?  Just curious because I'm working on
a car in Photo Shop.


> You can only use the colors that's in the N3 palette.....

> Phil

> > > use a different colored template
> > >***world/src/

> > Thanks and I've used those before, but I'm talking about when I want
> > specific color, one that's not on any template.

> > -Laurens de Jong

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