Hey Dude, I tried that. It didn't work. Now she wants me to help plan this
damn wedding thing. I would rather just go to Vegas, but NOOOOOOOOOO. Now
I have to go visit every damn reception hall in the Greater New Orleans
area. That has really cut into my racing time. On top of that, I work 6
days a week and spend my Sundays doing renovation work on my house. All the
time I get to spend on the PC is about 45 minutes a night. That's not
enough time to even get into a race. Don't get married to keep her busy so
you can race. Doesn't work!!!
Oh well, good luck with the wedding!!
>OH boy, some good responses. After 2 years of playing GP2 almost nonstop
>I've heard them all. Now with GPL coming in 16 short days (xmas) and my
>big computor upgrade happening in the next 10 days, I have planned the
>ultimate way to be able to play GPL non stop for at least 6 months
>without even a wimper from her.
>The plan? I am going to ask her to marry me after 9 years of living
>together. I figure she'll be so distracted by the wedding plans that I'll
>be able to get lots of practice time in.
>I can hardly wait!!!!
>"You never know when you've reached the limit, till you land on your
>> When you hear a yell from the other room crank up the sound!
>> Go to bed early, then sneak back after a couple quick hours of sleep.
>> Regards, Bill Tillman
>> Turn 1 Track & Touring
>> http://www.teleport.com/~billtill