>Hello Fellow R.A.S Readers;
>I have read as many posts as I can on this subject. I've read
>many great "subjective" opinions. Also using the definition in
>the Oxford Dictionary? Hmmm? Not sure here?
Sort of my point. Lets face it, this is us just mental ***.
Depends on the store. Most just throw all the car games in together, ditto
for flight sims (err, games). The really bad stores just line everything up
alphabetically :-(
Don't know what you are asking.
One reason why it wouldn't work. I for one don't need, nor want, any panel to
do so. I can read the previews and reviews and decide. And almost every game
now has a playable demo which answers most questions. True, sometimes it is
misleading. SCGT was verging on failure with the sim crowd until the realism
patch came out. And that was even after some "trusted" RAS "experts" had
waxed enthusiastically about it. These "trusted" experts, probably the ones
that would be advocated as panel-members, were then attacked as being biased
and bought-out. Frankly, I wanted more data. And the realism patch addressed
this quite well.
By its nature, I think it had to go that way. If one is going to suggest some
panel to grant a game the hallowed classification of "sim", then we better
find out if we can agree (and I would strongly argue we can't) on what a sim
is and isn't.