Agent does mail, and very well too, treats it just like news posts. Free
Agent doesn't do mail.
The last version I tried was pretty good. Other peope think so too. Maybe
you haven't used it since 1994?
Agent does mail, and very well too, treats it just like news posts. Free
Agent doesn't do mail.
The last version I tried was pretty good. Other peope think so too. Maybe
you haven't used it since 1994?
Did they remove the spyware?
I think maybe I was mixing up Newsxpress with Xnews.
That is not a concern to people over here, but I can see it being to you
over there considering you have to pay toll charges per minute on the phone.
Ah, I see. Well, call me cheap but I indeed use Free Agent, as per their
private single user agreement. If it indeed handles E-mail like it does
(text) newsmessages, I'm sure I wouldn't like the full version better than
Something to that effect, yes. I downloaded Eudora and NewsXpress when I
first got on the web, but finally, out of frustration with both programs got
the Plus!-pack for Win95 and haven't really looked into other
readers/clients since.
"Pay attention when I'm talking to you boy!" -Foghorn Leghorn.
What kind of frustration could Eudora give? I have been using it for
many, many years without a hitch.
I also did not have to worry about any of those virus' that target OE
and email everyone in my address book.
I use Eudora for email and Gravity for newsgroups.
Skotty Flynn
>"Pay attention when I'm talking to you boy!" -Foghorn Leghorn.
>"Rafe McAuliffe" wrote...
>> Of course, the best solution is to dump OE...
Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
Homepage -
GPLRank - under construction...
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.
You don't have to worry about it in OE either if people just set the options
to be safe.
I'm using OE 6 now for email and there is an option to stop attachments
opening automatically. Also setting email and news to plain text only is an
option which will stop any malicious activeX or java script from running.
> > Makes a hell of a lot of sense in newsgroups...
> > (to me, at least ;-)
> > Jonny
> So long as you remember that all those emails and messages are still on your
> hard drive. I'm giving OE a trial run since installing XP, but I've always
No they ain't! Well, the emails are because I read them in
Outlook and then archive them to a directory structure;
but I've got a rule set up in OE which deletes ng posts
after three weeks (or whatever number I thought of at the
time ;-)
I can see that a few things such as coloured quoting would
be nice, but otherwise I like the OE interface and find it
thoroughly convenient for off-line reading (I'm not paying
for connection time, but I prefer not to tie up my phone
line while I'm reading the ~500 new messages I get each
Now, for ultimate news-and-email I reckon Pine is the
way to go ;-) although it won't remind me about that
bill that needs paying next week, or that doctor's
>You don't have to worry about it in OE either if people just set the options
>to be safe.
>I'm using OE 6 now for email and there is an option to stop attachments
>opening automatically. Also setting email and news to plain text only is an
>option which will stop any malicious activeX or java script from running.
Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
Homepage -
GPLRank - under construction...
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.
>> Eudora is a hell of a lot better for email,
>Did they remove the spyware?
Rafe Mc
Too true Eldred, the number of OE virus's I've received her from
unwitting victims is amazing.
Rafe Mc
I agree, Eudora has been problem free and reliable for many years for
me. Not as customisable as i would like, that's about it. But a very
well put-together program.
Rafe Mc
I wouldn't use a newsreader that _didn't_ have this feature.
> > > found it...under VIEW...never mind :)
> > Heh...that happened to me once. Had to uncheck that stupid "hide read
> > messages" option. Who's the idiot that thought up that one? :-)
> Makes a hell of a lot of sense in newsgroups...
> (to me, at least ;-)
> Jonny