Anyway - it's a brilliant piece of work - but I'm kind of curious:
a) have they got hold of the source code?
b) or is it only the input files they've been "adjusting"?
c) Is my p4-2Ghz & GF3-500TI an ancient machine already? I need to put
almost everyting to the lowest to get some 30+ fps - where I in the original
F1-2002 get never below 25 with everything on even in the back of the pack?
d) Where's my local AA? Sorry where's my local A GTR2002? It turned into a
problem - so my wife is telling me - so where's the cold turkey help -
atleast there should be some kind of warning text on the download files -
ahhh never mind I can sue them :) Geeze I love this simulation....