Hi all...
I have just got a T2 and have set it up so that it seems ok on the
face of it but I am noticing a very annoying problem.
At intervals of about 1-2 seconds the game seems to sense that the
wheel has been turned to the left and back again for a brief instant.
The effect is also present if I sit in neutral and press the
accelerater until I get what I would expect should be a constant rpm
noise. Intead of a constant noise I get a blip every 1-2 seconds. I
thought at first that this was the fact that high performance engines
just wont idle very well but what with the steering effect as well I
no longer believe this.
The effect is also present when calibrating. If I hold the wheel still
in the centre (or dont hold it atall!) the dot in the screen keeps
flicking left about 1/2 inch (screen is a 17").
Is this experienced by anyone else?
I have two sound cards each with a joystick port. One is an old Gravis
Ultrasound. I cant get this to work with the joystick sensibly at all
although the sound is fine. The second is a cheap Soundblaster 16 copy
and its this I get the wobblies with.
Maybe the warning in the T2 manuals about getting a game port card is
true and not just sales blurb. Any thoughts?
I run Windows 95 on my PC 'BUT' I am running under MS-DOS mode when
using GP2.
The video card is a Matrox Millenium.
PC is a Micron with 100mhz pentium and 16mb ram.
Please help if you can. Its ***y hard work doing 200+ round Monza
with someone yanking the wheel to the left every two seconds. :-)
If I was driving as Schumacker then I'd think Damon was leaning out
and grabbing it, but I'm not. :-)
MMMM MMMM /^\ / Andy Jones \
HHHH HHHH \_/ \ Milton Keynes U.K. /