Thrustmaster T2 Help

Henry Hoh

Thrustmaster T2 Help

by Henry Hoh » Tue, 19 Oct 1999 04:00:00

No doubt.  The Thrustmaster has been a good wheel.  I have had some dang good
lap speeds.  Most guys thought I'd be running something more expensive...

Thinking about getting a NASCAR Pro wheel on Ebay...any better wheels for under
$100?  FF is not an issue.



> I bought a cheap bungie from Home Cheapot. It probably is the same one you
> got at ace. It works fine for me had it in atleast 6 months now.
> Hats off to Thrustmaster. My T2 willl be 4 years old soon with more miles on
> it then my cars in my driveway. I just hope my next wheel is as durable.

> --
> Kevin Anderson

> ICQ # 6769389

> > I have tried several different bungees in my Thrustmaster T2 from Ace
> > Hardware, Schucks, etc.  But, they all stretch within a couple of races
> > and become useless and stretched out.  I retighten them only to have the
> > same results.

> > Does anyone have a good bungee and where you bought it or better
> > material to use to keep the wheel return constant and not wear out so
> > soon?

> > Thanks!

> > Henry
> > Formerly Jazzed1 on TEN
> > Member of the Camo Racing Team
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