GPL-how real are the setup options??

Jeffrey Haa

GPL-how real are the setup options??

by Jeffrey Haa » Fri, 24 Mar 2000 04:00:00

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000 04:13:47 GMT, "Mike Barlow"

>    isn't that like downgrading GPL in to a Game?

No!  In real life I'm sure as heck going to feel when the
suspension hits bottom. I can't for the life of me tell that in
GPL. If we don't get the cues, then the sim needs to provide them
in some manner.  Having a a unique sound would sure help or the
screen jarring or something would help those of us with less than
omniscient powers.  This is not making it a game, even though it
is a game.....



GPL-how real are the setup options??

by Mart » Fri, 24 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I stand corrected.

Now, I have to find where I got that incorrected idea.

Thanks for clearing this up.


> ...
> > So when GPL doesn't model camber change, that means when the chassis rolls
> > and the suspension moves up or down, the camber angle of the wheel in
> > relation to the chassis does not change as is would in a real car with an
> > unequal length A-arm type suspension.

> This statement is incorrect.  GPL does, indeed, model camber change with
> bump.  What it does not model is the change in the *shape* of the
> camber-vs.-suspension-deflection curve at different ride heights.

> In GPL, if you set your ride height to 5", and set your static camber
> to -2.0 degrees, then push the chassis down 1", your camber will change by
> some amount, X.  If you then set your ride height to 4" and your static
> camber to -2.0 degrees and push the chassis down 1", the camber will still
> change by X.  In real life it would change by an amount probably close to X,
> but not exactly X (how close would depend on the suspension design).

> Randy

Mike Barlo

GPL-how real are the setup options??

by Mike Barlo » Fri, 24 Mar 2000 04:00:00

    The original poster wanted to have lights flashing telling us when we
hit the bump ***s.  Your suggestions are better then the lights.

>On Thu, 23 Mar 2000 04:13:47 GMT, "Mike Barlow"

>>    isn't that like downgrading GPL in to a Game?

>No!  In real life I'm sure as heck going to feel when the
>suspension hits bottom. I can't for the life of me tell that in
>GPL. If we don't get the cues, then the sim needs to provide them
>in some manner.  Having a a unique sound would sure help or the
>screen jarring or something would help those of us with less than
>omniscient powers.  This is not making it a game, even though it
>is a game.....


Jan Verschuere

GPL-how real are the setup options??

by Jan Verschuere » Sat, 25 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Wow, that seems a lot of rake... I'll have to try that <g>.

But, can you define "centerline of the wheels"? -It would seem to me,
assuming no camber, a centerline connecting two 15" wheels would be at 7.5".

What I'm getting at is this: how do you correctly measure ride height? -At
the Zolder Historic GP I measured a 1968 Cooper BRM; the lowest attachment
point of the rear suspension was 3.8" off the ground (bottom rung of the
rear suspension, connected to the gearbox). The bottom of the gear box was
about 0.75" lower I guess. I have an "rain light-level" picture of the car.
Assuming the right method, I can maybe calculate the correct ride height (I
can send you the pic to doodle on if you like).


Bruce Kennewel

GPL-how real are the setup options??

by Bruce Kennewel » Sat, 25 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Okay....let me put it this way:

The blueprint (not a actual draftsmans drawing of the
original Lotus 49 with DFV installed.  Yes...a copy of an original drawing.)
that I'm looking at and scaling off gives a minimum clearance under the tub
of 3.75 inches at the front at a point that is midway between the contact
patch of the left-hand wheel and the contact patch of the right-hand wheel.

Ditto for the rear except the clearance is under the transaxle (the tub
ending at the firewall).

Now...not having a micrometer or vernier calipers, and not having a
microscope, I cannot verify the this blueprint (at 1:5 scale) is 100%
accurate or that my measurements are equally accurate, which is the reason I
said "approximately".

Does that help?

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> Wow, that seems a lot of rake... I'll have to try that <g>.

> But, can you define "centerline of the wheels"? -It would seem to me,
> assuming no camber, a centerline connecting two 15" wheels would be at

> What I'm getting at is this: how do you correctly measure ride height? -At
> the Zolder Historic GP I measured a 1968 Cooper BRM; the lowest attachment
> point of the rear suspension was 3.8" off the ground (bottom rung of the
> rear suspension, connected to the gearbox). The bottom of the gear box was
> about 0.75" lower I guess. I have an "rain light-level" picture of the
> Assuming the right method, I can maybe calculate the correct ride height
> can send you the pic to doodle on if you like).

> Jan.
> =---

> > Just as a matter of interest for you, Skeeter, the ride height for the
> Lotus
> > 49 (as debuted at Zandvoort) without driver, was approximately 3.75
> > at the centreline of the front wheels and 4.5 inches at the centreline
> > the rear wheels. (wheels being the original 15 inch diameter).

> > --
> > Regards,
> > Bruce Kennewell,
> > Canberra, Australia.
> > ---------------------------

> > <Snip>

Brett C. Camma

GPL-how real are the setup options??

by Brett C. Camma » Sat, 25 Mar 2000 04:00:00


Is it documented anywhere what the weights, weight distributions and
hp/torque curves of the cars and engines for GPL?  I noticed them
displayed in Nate Hines' new utility and immediately wondered where he
might of obtained them.  I expect some historical research would
dredge up the numbers for the F1 cars, but I was looking at an F2
setup and I understand they all use the same "engine".

Also, what's the rear wheel diameter used for speed calcs?

I marvel at the "skull sweat" that went into creating GPL.  Anybody
ever get it running as a server on a Linux/Wine box?  I have this
vision of a small, inexpensive server farm tied to a T1 line... <g>

Brett C. Cammack
That's Racing! Motorsports
Pompano Beach, FL

Jan Verschuere

GPL-how real are the setup options??

by Jan Verschuere » Sat, 25 Mar 2000 04:00:00

So ride height = clearance of the lowest part of the car at a given end,
along an imaginary line between the centers of the contact patches.... got



Bruce Kennewel

GPL-how real are the setup options??

by Bruce Kennewel » Sun, 26 Mar 2000 04:00:00


Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> So ride height = clearance of the lowest part of the car at a given end,
> along an imaginary line between the centers of the contact patches.... got
> that.

> Thanks.

> Jan.
> ----

> > Okay....let me put it this way:

> > The blueprint (not a actual draftsmans drawing of the
> > original Lotus 49 with DFV installed.  Yes...a copy of an original
> drawing.)
> > that I'm looking at and scaling off gives a minimum clearance under the
> tub
> > of 3.75 inches at the front at a point that is midway between the
> > patch of the left-hand wheel and the contact patch of the right-hand
> wheel.

> > Ditto for the rear except the clearance is under the transaxle (the tub
> > ending at the firewall).

> > Now...not having a micrometer or vernier calipers, and not having a
> > microscope, I cannot verify the this blueprint (at 1:5 scale) is 100%
> > accurate or that my measurements are equally accurate, which is the
> I
> > said "approximately".

> > Does that help?

> > --
> > Regards,
> > Bruce Kennewell,
> > Canberra, Australia.
> > ---------------------------

> > ,snip>

David Kar

GPL-how real are the setup options??

by David Kar » Sun, 26 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Yum!  I want one.  I want it now.  Help me.



Bruce Kennewel

GPL-how real are the setup options??

by Bruce Kennewel » Mon, 27 Mar 2000 04:00:00

So would I, would I!
Sadly it isn't belongs in the collection of a good friend who has
more "old" motor-racing stuff (magazines, books, memorabilia, models,
knick-knacks etc.) than you can poke a stick at.  He has just taken a new
wife (that sounds very Edwardian, doesn't it?!!) and has been moving stuff
around in his house.  During this he asked if I'd like to sort some of his
magazines as  was interested in looking through some old "Racing Car News"
mags (Australian) from the 1960s (I was looking for Tasman Cup information).
In the carton was an old manila enevelope containing some drawings, or
repros, to be accurate, (mostly engines...those 3-view and exploded
drawings) and one of them is a plan and elevation of the Type 49. I asked
Pete where he got it and he doesn't know......he thinks it was through a
magazine back in the late 1960s, early 1970s.

Incidentally, the drawing *clearly* shows the offset of the steering wheel
in the plan view....must be about two inches or so (there are no dimensions
on the drawing).

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> Yum!  I want one.  I want it now.  Help me.

> --DK

> [snip]
> > The blueprint (not a actual draftsmans drawing of the
> > original Lotus 49 with DFV installed.  Yes...a copy of an original
> drawing.)
> [snip] is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.