So would I, would I!
Sadly it isn't belongs in the collection of a good friend who has
more "old" motor-racing stuff (magazines, books, memorabilia, models,
knick-knacks etc.) than you can poke a stick at. He has just taken a new
wife (that sounds very Edwardian, doesn't it?!!) and has been moving stuff
around in his house. During this he asked if I'd like to sort some of his
magazines as was interested in looking through some old "Racing Car News"
mags (Australian) from the 1960s (I was looking for Tasman Cup information).
In the carton was an old manila enevelope containing some drawings, or
repros, to be accurate, (mostly engines...those 3-view and exploded
drawings) and one of them is a plan and elevation of the Type 49. I asked
Pete where he got it and he doesn't know......he thinks it was through a
magazine back in the late 1960s, early 1970s.
Incidentally, the drawing *clearly* shows the offset of the steering wheel
in the plan view....must be about two inches or so (there are no dimensions
on the drawing).
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
> Yum! I want one. I want it now. Help me.
> --DK
> [snip]
> > The blueprint (not a actual draftsmans drawing of the
> > original Lotus 49 with DFV installed. Yes...a copy of an original
> drawing.)
> [snip]