model out there and thank you sooo much Papy" way.Hear me when I say
this is in no way putting down this tremendous effort towards realism
in racing sims.I find that the "feel" of GPL is very good and that the
driving model is deadspot on.What bothers me though is the setup
variables and how they dont seem to do what their supposd to.
I have read a couple of books on the subject of car setup and feel I
know how to set the basics for a good neuteral handling car.What I
mean is Springs,Rollbars,ride height.But the things I try just dont
give me the results I expect.
For instance Camber and rollbar settings.Someone other than Papy has
told us GPL doesnt model dynamic camber change with roll(Doug
Arnao??).What this means is no matter what you do to prevent roll of
the chassis the camber will stay the same.I can live with that since
the person states its too cpu intensive at the moment.What I cant live
with is that it didnt say this in the manual that came with the
game.Many GPL sites say to set rollbars you have to tighten until the
readings across the tires are even.GPL does not model dynamic camber
change with roll so how can changing the roll of the chassis affect
camber??I have gone from both extremes in the rollbar settings and the
temps across the tires stays the same.Put zero camber on both rear
wheels and burnout for awhile and youll notive that the temps across
the rears are even indicating that the squat of the chassis and
resulting camber change is not modeled.Again I can live without the
dynamic camber change for now:)Papy please tell us this in the
manual.This way we can set the camber and forget it.
Another thing is weight transfer and ride height.Ride height is the
only variable we can change that significantly alters weight
transfer.Lower the car and it grips much better(if it doesnt hit the
bumpstops)but the temps dont show this happening.I went from 4in ride
height to 2.75 and the temps from left to right remained the same.This
has nothing to do with dynamic camber so I question the setup menu
alot in GPL
More Examples:
Toe-in has no effect on straightline speed but manual says it does
Ride height doesnt alter the tire temps but instead just adds grip
as you lower the chassis.
No dynamic camber change with roll so no changing the amount of
roll the chassis does will have effect.
I only write this because I am hoping someone who is compleytly
knowlwdgeable on these facts can write a Real setup guide for these
simulated GPL cars.
For example camber again:In GPL,Camber is not changed by any factor
other then how many G's a driver pulls.Just make sure that the tires
are even across.Try to go with symetric camber and live with the loss
of grip since asymetrical camber causes unstable braking.
Toe-in doesnt have any effect on overall speed so set for handling
It would be great if everyone adds to this list so we can all start
to take advantage of the setup menus as the fast guys do:)