My brother and I both have SupraExpress 33e's. I bought mine to be
compatible with his, so we could race and talk at the same time.
However, so far we've been unable to find initialization strings that
allow us to do this.
In fact, using these modems with GP2 is horrible; they appear to suck up
all the CPU resources, giving 200% occupancy when run with the same
display settings that give well under 100% in single-player mode.
With ICR2, using the stock ICR2 settings for a Supra 9600 works, but
there's no voice capability.
Does anyone have init strings for these modems that will work with
either ICR2 or GP2? Is it even possible to have voice at the same time
as doing modem play? Can GP2 be made to work reasonably over a modem
(it does ok over a null modem; why so busy over real modems?)
Init strings from Supra's tech support have proven useless; one worked
ok in ICR2 but didn't do voice, the other didn't work at all.
Thanks for any help you can give!
Alison Hine