Is it possible that some of the faster drivers (I saw a 193+
qualifying lap at Atlanta last night) have doctored their DRIVERS2.TXT
files? If someone changes the DRIVERS2.TXT file of their current car
set so they have 999 power, aggression, and traction and 0 drag will
they retain these settings in a Hawaii race. Or does the system assign
equal power, traction, drag, and aggression ratings to all drivers?
Similarly are car makes taken into account in Hawaii races?
Does the system know I'm in a Chevy, he's in a Ford, she's in a
"PantyAck" (Ken Squier) or are we put in a generic make for the
multiplayer races?
OK, one more... how are the cars represented to each player? If
I have CARS94 as the car set I see the CARS94 cars in the race. So when
drivers say "Hey #5, nice race" is it possible that their #5 is actually
in another car on my screen? I know that the MULTICAR car set is the
official car set to use but I prefer the real representations to the
fantsy cars in the MULTI car set...
Verbosely Yours,
Scott M. Petty