of this oldie. My local store (Albany, NY) had them delivered
overnight and I picked mine up this morning. I've been trying for a
while to get this sim at a reasonable price (it seemed like it
disappeared off the shelves fairly shortly after release two years ago
and was never offered as a classic/budget release [aside from the
Cheerio's offer]; it was available in Sierra's "Acceleration Pack",
but I'd still be spending $50 for NL, a game I already had [N3], and a
game I didn't want [CTS]).
The good news is that this is the full package with paper manual
(at least it sure feels like that without opening the package -- gotta
save something for Christmas :). This release does not include the
die-cast car, so maybe they have done a new release of NL (my
understanding was that the original release with die-cast car [which
didn't sell too well] was the only stand-alone release to date).
One other bit of news is that this qualifies for two more "free"
Sierra games (plus $5 S&H) by mail. The rebate offer gets printed out
automatically with your Best Buy receipt.
"But in a way, fear is a big part of racing, because if there was
nothing to be frightened of, and no limit, any fool could get into
a motor car and racing would not exist as a sport." -- Jim Clark