Has anyone got any car setups they would like to send me, as i still can't get
the hang of setting the cars in Microprose F1
Thanks Muchly
Mark G
Has anyone got any car setups they would like to send me, as i still can't get
the hang of setting the cars in Microprose F1
Thanks Muchly
Mark G
As a general rule, 64/40 (front/rear wing) works well almost
everywhere, the expections being Hockenhiem and Monza. Spa is best with
a little less, 60/36. Monza is about 48/16 and Hock is maybe 20/6. I
drive everywhere with rear brake balance, typcially 14R but sometimes
as little as 7; this makes the car quite unstable but gets it through
the corners quicker.
I owe all of this info to Rene Smit and Ivanhoe Vasiljevich. Cheers guys!
-- Gizmo (uncrowned prince of F1GP/WC on the Internet :-)
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True! Where would we be without all your efforts of providing us
with the lastest stuff for F1GP...?
Thanks man!
Christian Peper aka Dreams Email:
PAV B38, 21054, KPN Research, the Netherlands
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