to go +)
> Thanks Don, I didn't know that. Learning all the time. I have now spent
> about 2 to 3 hours with GPL and I am getting more comfortable in the drivers
> seat. I just can't imagine the hours it takes to master this thing. Multiply
> all the cars by all the tracks and it equates to a ton of hours practicing.
> I'll try the tip on the setup -- does it apply to Allison's setups as well?
> Robin
> " Robin is Racin' "
> > >Okay, that's okay. Turn that mamby-pamby help off and go back to the
> pits.
> > >Exit pits... promptly doughnut the car! Okay, "shift-R", and like they
> are
> > >fond of saying in ras -- gently squeeze down on the throttle and
> accelerate.
> > >No problem. "Curva Grande" coming up brake into it in a straight line --
> put
> > >the nose into the guard rail. Arrrgh! Okay, that's okay. "Shift-R"
> > Keep in Mind Robin that the reduced traction of cold tires is a bit
> overdone in
> > gpl, and you shouldn't try to go *** the first lap, and every time you
> > shift-r your back on cold tires. While your learning, better to run in no
> > damage mode, and spent more time on warmed up tires. Also, when using the
> > default setups, reduce the fuel level(weight) and save the setup with
> another
> > name, helps a bunch.
> > --
> > Don Scurlock
> > Vancouver,B.C.
> > GPLRank -3.51
> > Come see how you rank, at the GPLRank site
> >