I do have however pict***profiles (from magazines) on most old stock car
racers. Most old stock cars used two colors for the paint schemes and there
weren't bilboard advertisments painted all over the car (remember that
Nascar originally started in the early fifties as an unsponsered race run by
ex moonshiners). It would be nice to see old stock cars running the modern
hibanks (most early tracks were sand, brick, or pavement).
Suggested cars:
Chevy Chevelles
Dodge Chargers
Plymouth Superbirds (Good Old #43)
Ford Talladegas
Chevy Impala SS (1962 and 63 are the best)
Ford Galixies
Pontiac S.D. Catalinas (Alot of racers used these cars in '61 and '62)
'57 Chevy bel aire Black Widows
Early fifties Hudsons (very fast cars, unstopable in the early fifties)
'57 Ford Fairlanes
I have pictures of all these cars in nascar trim. If you laeve a maling
address I will send you them.
Kerry Pierno