There are lots of car sets, and wheel sets. Which do people
like the best?
I'm looking at the F1CarSets, they look pretty cool in the
stills that are posted with each one. They have these PSD files
and I don't know what they are, and I don't see any files with
"PSD" as a suffix in any of the f1CS2K directories.
The F1 CS 2000 Modeler's place also has interesting stuff.
After finishing this message, I'm going with this one, after
backing up the whole F1CS2K directory tree.
What are the track patches about? I didn't like going uphill
at Monaco from *** to Mirabeau in f12K, its better to drive
level in F1CS2K. But I'd really rather drive down to Mirabeau.
Do track patches address this?
Where do I put the patches and carsets? Will that be obvious
after I unzip the files?
Are there any issues using these things with the all chassis